You may not think this is interesting, BUT... This is about what - TopicsExpress


You may not think this is interesting, BUT... This is about what people do and how it harms us all! You can see how they lie to us all and what they really want to do is HARM us and the PLANET!!! Win Ugly or Lose Pretty says Oil Lobbyist in Secret Recording! The New York Times has published an astonishingly candid speech given by well known oil and political lobbyist, Richard Berman, to the Western Energy Alliance, a group of oil and gas executives in Colorado Springs in June of 2014 in Colorado Springs. Evidently an executive was too appalled by what they were listening to and having recorded the whole speech, shared it with the New York Times. Please, take the time to read the whole article and especially the attached document of the transcript of the speech, complete with links to the YouTube videos that Berman showed the crowd of his own work demonizing environmentalists. This is your change to hear what a wicked greedy marketer says to his customers when he is selling his wares- commercials, billboards and talking points for politicians. Please, dont let this exposure of the frackers and drillers be lost in the fray of the election news cycle. If you dont have time right now, bookmark this and come back in a week! There will still be time to do something because this is an endless war, on that Richard Berman is correct. And sunshine on this industry and their hiding of donations to so called nonprofits that are just secret business lobbyists can only help. Below the orange squiggle I will summarize some of the most shocking outrages from the speech. Read the whole thing though! This will reverberate like Mitt Romneys 47% tape. Richard Berman is advocating oil and gas companies fight an endless war against environmentalists like Greenpeace and Sierra Club. He is promoting a campaign called Big Green Radicals to accuse those opposed to fracking as liars. The campaign is currently running in places like Colorado, Pennsylvania and New York. (I expect I will be seeing it soon in West Virginia, except people here are selling out to fracking so fast it would make your head spin. West Virginia is a cheap energy data.) His advice is to do background research on environmentalists and trivialize them where possible, accuse them of being radicals opposed to progress and hypocrites. “Use humor to minimize or marginalize the people on the other side,” he added. “There is nothing the public likes more than tearing down celebrities and playing up the hypocrisy angle,” his colleague Mr. Hubbard said, citing billboard advertisements planned for Pennsylvania that featured Robert Redford. “Demands green living,” they read. “Flies on private jets. So if you are protesting fracking, expect to be having deep background searches to expose you as a radical. If wanting clean water is radical, then braid my hair and call me Moonshine! The real grassroots are assembling here in Appalachia because these fracking and mining folks are stepping over the like to taking out our water and state forests and giving us lung cancer with their mountaintop removal mining. He gives us insight into the most effective attacks from his years of experience “If you want a video to go viral, have kids or animals,” he said, and then he showed a spot his company had prepared using schoolchildren as participants in a mock union election — to suggest that union bosses do not have real elections.” So evidently we need videos of cute baby animals and little kids wandering through a fracking site to demonstrate what is going on here. Berman also reveals that Big Oil and Big Gas is paying millions to him and he can conceal their involvement through secret methods to not for profit companies. Hello Dark Money Revelations! Mr. Berman repeatedly boasted about how he could take checks from the oil and gas industry executives — he said he had already collected six-figure contributions from some of the executives in the room — and then hide their role in funding his campaigns. “People always ask me one question all the time: ‘How do I know that I won’t be found out as a supporter of what you’re doing?’ ” Mr. Berman told the crowd. “We run all of this stuff through nonprofit organizations that are insulated from having to disclose donors. There is total anonymity. People don’t know who supports us.” You know, people like the Heartland Institute and his own organization called Environmental Policy Alliance. Course that is another trick- just name the organization something like this, and you can seem like you just want a nice environmental policy, not that you want no laws to govern your ability to pollute and then walk away from the mess. This group is supposedly uncovering the conspiracy which are the green groups seeking to make money to promote their radical agenda. Sure. Take your oil company millions and make ads to make it look like my measly few bucks to West Virginia Rivers Coalition or Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition and Coal Mountain Watch look like I am a radical. Or radicalization like joining grassroots movements like Occupy the Hollers and Kanawha Forrest Coalition, so small and grassroots they are just Facebook pages and blogs and small fundraising sites via social entrepreneurship. Richard Berman is striking a blow at me personally when he tries to demonize the environmental movement- me and millions like me who support environmental groups. So if this makes you mad, give some money to an environmental group or if you are broke, become friends with a new Facebook environmental group like the ones I mention and educate yourself on a new issue. It is free to write a letter to your representatives. Lets Win Pretty for the Environment! dailykos/story/2014/11/01/1340801/--Win-Ugly-or-Lose-Pretty-says-Oil-Lobbyist-in-Secret-Recording?detail=email
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 23:04:45 +0000

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