You may want to reread the post from November 27th to get a better - TopicsExpress


You may want to reread the post from November 27th to get a better understanding of what Im going to talk about today because they are directly connected with regard to Saturns movement. Pluto and Uranus have been holding a Square formation for several years now that has been the astrological underpinning of all the change and transformation we have been experiencing since the middle of 2012. Because they are relating to each other in a geometrically perfect 90 degrees, any transiting planet that hits one will also hit the other, effectively triggering their relationship as well as the one they are generating on their own. Saturn hit Pluto last Thursday and today he interacts with Uranus. As the Great Teacher rounds out his passage through Scorpio, he is making sure that all his work has been attended to. Scorpio is about manifestation and Saturn is about structure - we have been learning to manifest with more accuracy and conscious awareness. The conflicts that lead to change he is inspiring through Semi-Squaring Pluto (Nov 27th post) are being augmented by the freedom-related agitations that todays Sesqui-Square to Uranus engenders. A Sesqui-Square creates an underlying tension that demands attention and with Saturn and Uranus together in the mix, this tension is usually between the impulse to burst forth and the need for restraint. Uranus says go and Saturn says not yet. Saturns influence is felt over months, not days, so this sensation has been building since October and will continue through the next few weeks. I write about it today because it is exact today, not because you should expect events to arise as a direct result of this geometry. If anything, you should all feel that you are in some on-going process of change and transformation that is a bit edgy and difficult and it is not by any stretch quite over. If that confounds you as it sometimes does me, moments like this can offer great comfort. Take the rational mind out of the picture and just flow through your life with more Trust. You are on a journey and it is taking you somewhere. You DO NOT NEED TO KNOW WHERE. You just need a strong vision and a willingness to do the work each and every day to drop into your Heart and connect to Source in the best way that works for you. If - and as - you do this, you are tapping into the part of you that does indeed know where you are going and how you will get there. With regard to todays horoscope, the Moon is in Taurus which should offer a considerable sense of grounding compared to the past few days of Aries Fire. And though she will make some very lovely connections to Pluto, Chiron and Neptune, she will also force some actions to be taking on a more personal level. What this means in more practical language is that the backdrop to the day by virtue of the Moons interaction with outer planets is healing (Chiron) and sets us up to have a good sense of alignment with Source (Neptune) and personal power (Pluto). At the same time, she will Inconjunct both the Sun and Mercury while Sesqui-Squaring Venus. Remember that the Inconjunct is the Great Eliminator so something about either our communications with others or our thought patterns will be up for release. The agitation to Venus will ensure that we attend to this because we arent going to be connected to our Hearts unless we do. ~ Dr. Michael Lennox Perchance To Dream
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:56:46 +0000

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