You must keep going, Woman of God! Dont think that because you - TopicsExpress


You must keep going, Woman of God! Dont think that because you have made mistakes, ill-advised decisions, or delayed some tasks means that it is over!! Have you ever been getting ready to go somewhere, and left out of the house without your keys or cell phone? Or have you ever walked in a room and forgot what you were on your way to get? How about looking for something that you had on your head or in your hand already? This is the condition of the human mind, we forget! I am here to make you realize that no matter what situation you were in, you kept pressing, you kept trying to go. You just simply regrouped, slowed down, and began to focus. That is what this Christian race is! Just because you forgot something on the way, you turned around, got it, and got back on your way. Why is it that women become discouraged when you have to go back in your spiritual life and pick up some things that you left, you had it in your possession, but you just forgot. You must keep going, keep starting over no matter what it takes. You are equipped with all you need to succeed in life. Do it, Keep Going, Dont give up, you and God have this. Depend and trust in Him! Philippians 3:14 - I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:04:43 +0000

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