You must test every visitation and message with those in the - TopicsExpress


You must test every visitation and message with those in the Bible: a) Here are a few references to angelic visitations. We can compare our own experiences to these: To Abraham: Genesis 18:2; Genesis 22:11-18; To Hagar: Genesis 16:7; To Lot: Genesis 19:1-17; To Jacob: Genesis 28:12; To Moses: Exodus 3:2; To Israelites: Exodus 14:19, Judges 2:1-4; To Balaam: Numbers 22:31; To Joshua: Joshua 5:15; To Gideon: Judges 6:11-22; To Manoah: Judges 13:6; Judges 13:15-20; To David: 2 Samuel 24:16,17; To Elijah: 1 Kings 19:5-11; To Daniel: Daniel 6:22; Daniel 8:16; Daniel 9:21; Daniel 10:5-10; Daniel 10:16; Daniel 10:18; To Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: Daniel 3:25; Daniel 3:28; To Zechariah: Zechariah 2:3; Zechariah 3:1-2; Zechariah 4:1; To Joseph: Matthew 1:20; Matthew 2:13; Matthew 2:19; To Mary: Luke 1:26-28; To Zacharias: Luke 1:11-20; To the Shepards: Luke 2:9-11; Luke 2:13,14; To Jesus, after His temptation: Matthew 4:11; To Jesus, in Gethsemane: Luke 22:43; To Jesus, at the sepulcher: Matthew 28:2-5; Mark 16:5-7; Luke 24:23; John 20:12; At the ascension: Acts 1:10,11; To Peter and John: Acts 5:19; To Phillip: Acts 8:26; To Cornelius: Acts 10:3; Acts 10:30-32; To Peter: Acts 12:7-11; To Paul: Acts 27:23; To John: Revelation 1:1; Revelation 5:2; Revelation 7:11; Revelation 10:9; Revelation 11:1; Revelation 17:7; Revelation 19:10; Revelation 22:8 b) Angelic message will be verified by Gods Word, it will never violate, confuse or twist Gods written Word. c) An Angelic visitation will be to promote Gods will, not flatter your flesh or promote darkness. If a spirit manifests itself to you, here are some biblical clues to discernment. § If the spirit tells you it is the spirit of a dead relative or friend, it is not an angel from God. Gods angels do not inhabit human bodies or join themselves to human spirits. Gods angels do not draw attention to other beings other than Jesus and the Father. § Does this spirit socialize and spend undue time with you - it is not a spirit of God. § Does this spirit use physical things to impress you; sights, sounds, colors, the supernatural; it is not a spirit of God. Gods angels deliver messages to Gods people and then vanish. They do not hangout with humans § Does the spirit flatter you and build up your pride? This is not one of Gods angels. § Does the spirit try to force you to do something against your will? This is not a true spirit of God. Gods Spirit in you will lead and guide you into all truth. You will have an inner peace that this being is from God by its message (which must line up with Gods word and pass all tests outlined previously) § Did the spiritual encounter bare spiritual fruit? Angels are sent to deliver Gods people, bring Gods message, and help promote the plan of God through His people. Satans demons come to deceive, destroy, confuse and confound.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 22:53:19 +0000

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