You recall a couple of months ago Pharrell Williams Happy became a - TopicsExpress


You recall a couple of months ago Pharrell Williams Happy became a global sensation and people around the world were performing it--here is Happy Gaza done just a couple of month before Israel began slaughtering Palestinians in Gaza in their hundreds--As Iranian artist Golrokh Nafisi just said on her FB, if you want to see what dangerous terrorists people of Gaza are just look at this video--and one might add if you want to see what sort of repressive, terrorized society Hamas was ruling with an iron fist just watch this video--the US corporate media and the UK state controlled media (BBC) are integral to the Israeli propaganda machinery systematically demonizing any people that Israel is murdering--as you watch this video just ask yourself how many of these kids and kids like them has Israel by now murdered, maimed, traumatized and made into homeless refuges in their own homeland--who is really the terrorist here? and then look at the manner in which US and UK media are complicit in turning these people into the enemies of civilized life by just swinging the magic wand of Hamas did this and Hamas did that--who is more civilized--these kids or those who go on hilltops of Israel to watch these kids slaughtered while munching on popcorn and drinking bear--thanks Golrokh for this utterly brilliant reminder!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:29:58 +0000

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