You see Its been done for Centuries...........Before you people - TopicsExpress


You see Its been done for Centuries...........Before you people get off on the awful things done by Islamic Extremists take a peek at these Trophy Pictures by British and French Soldiers. There are too many of US Soldiers to show and I have told and shown many of them also. Sociopaths infiltrate every Culture Faith and Nation, at all levels for Domestic to Politics, Police and Military. They are a sub-human element of Humankind, but having no human qualities. Sadly, we have allowed far to many to get into positions of power. It really is time for Humankind to Cull the Sociopaths, staring at home in the US, Israel and the UK and Europe. It is a matter of survival of the Human Race. One Human Tribe
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:15:04 +0000

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