You see She has very extreme characters, as you must have known - TopicsExpress


You see She has very extreme characters, as you must have known that She’s extremely cruel, She can be very cruel, and She can be extremely gentle – like two ragas of yesterday. She could be extremely harsh, extremely harsh, beyond all human expectations, and She could be extremely mild. So this harsh part you need not have. It will just work. This part is only kept for the Divine. You just take to the other side. Let this harsh part be looked after by the Divine. After all, Divine also must do some work. If you do all the work then what will Divine do? So the Divine will look after that part. So you have to enjoy yourself as the Goddess enjoys Herself; enjoys Her bliss, enjoys Her peace, enjoys Her everything: Her creation, Her children, their love – everything She enjoys. In the same way you have to enjoy. You have to know about everything, you have to be absolutely knowledgeable. And nothing more is needed but just to say that “Oh Divine, please protect us.” At the most! Even if you don’t say it’s all right, you are looked after. The Divine is working out the stage, you see. You don’t see it, all there, invisible. And you are on the stage, so they are looking out what to focus light, where to put, what light to put, what is to be done, what is to be changed around. Everything they are arranging. You are nicely here. So you need not do all that work. You do your work of acting and saying dialogues. That’s your work. Let them do their jobs, they are doing very well. They are excellently placed and they are experts. So to leave certain things into the hands of the Divine is what we call as ‘surrender’. And that much of this, if done, then most of your things will work out so miraculously. I mean, you’ll be amazed, “How, Mother, how it is worked out? We never expected how things we got it done?” There’s a very, very big force working: the Force, the Energy which is the Source of all the energies, which has created this great universe, which has created this Mother Earth, created this sun, which has created you very delicately. This Force is working. And that Force is looking after you, so proud of you that you have come on the stage now. So as it is we are today praying to the Goddess that “Help us to fight our negativity within us. Give us Your tiger so that we fight, give us Your lion so we fight.” Let us fight all these horrible animals that are within us, these horrible haunting things that are within us, these horrible conditionings we have. You have to get rid of it. Still, still if you watch yourself, lots of conditionings are there, lots of things, you see. If you see, there are covered with very thin curtains and you don’t see it, but they are there. But let the tiger enter into all these dens and find out. And you enjoy that, riding over the horse, riding over the lion, and riding over the tiger – like a Goddess. Why not? After all, children get all the heritage of the mother, don’t they? So you have all the heritage available to you. But you have to be worthy, in the sense that you have to know that you are worthy, that’s all. You have to just know that you are worthy and that you can do it.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 19:11:59 +0000

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