You see excellence in a sunset so marvelously hued that it takes - TopicsExpress


You see excellence in a sunset so marvelously hued that it takes your breath away. You appreciate the sheer beauty in a pine tree stretching towards heaven, its feathery branches going with the breeze. When you look up at the night sky and see the stars that God knows by name, suspended there, the phrase that seems an appropriate description would be, It is very good. But what about when you look in the mirror, or when you look across the breakfast table at family members? The descriptor of “very good” applies to people as well as to nature. We go astray, drifting from His loving care into sin and its consequences. But in our essence — and in the character of every human no matter how far fallen — is excellence from God’s hand, excellence that reflects God’s image. Part of what inspires your wonder is God’s creative abilities. Who else could have made the magnificent human body? Who but God could have invented the method whereby infants are conceived, grow and make their dramatic entry into the world? Who but God could have fashioned a solar system in which each part functions in precise relationship to the others? Ask God to give you a new perspective on His creation; thank Him for his splendid works. Now, stand in awe of Him . . . Then God looked over all He had made, and He saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31 NLT)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 09:54:26 +0000

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