You see, just recently, news broke that Wall Street bigwigs, - TopicsExpress


You see, just recently, news broke that Wall Street bigwigs, including George Soros investment firm, held off-the-record private meetings with Fed officials, where they urged a new round of Fed intervention to prop up Europe. Apparently, the TRILLIONS in bailouts and secret loans the Fed has issued to overseas banks in recent years arent working. Campaign for Liberty Dear Lynda, Monetary morphine. Thats how some are now referring to the Feds risky and unprecedented print-now, ask-questions-later policies. As a doctor, I can tell you morphine is one of the most dangerous and addictive substances known to man. First, just a little of the opiate masks a patients pain. But then, addicts crave more and more until overdoses result in death. Lynda, the Fed has tried hard to mask many of our economic problems for years now. But today, the first cracks are starting to appear in what I believe will be nothing less than a Federal Reserve-created, global financial meltdown. And every second Congress waits to finally audit and EXPOSE the Federal Reserve - the first step toward finally ENDING the Fed once and for all - the problems get bigger and bigger. Thats why its critical you sign your Audit the Fed petition right away. As youll see, this petition urges your U.S. Representative to do everything in their power to achieve a standalone, roll call vote on the Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24), including cosponsoring it if they havent yet done so. As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid showed us during Fed Chair Janet Yellens confirmation fight - when he blatantly broke Senate rules rather than allow so much as a vote on Audit the Fed - hell resort to any dirty trick in the book to stop you and me. But the truth is, theres never been any defense in Washington, D.C. against a tidal wave of angry Americans DEMANDING political action - or politicians hides. Thats exactly why Im counting on your action today to help me create that tidal wave of outrage before its too late. You see, just recently, news broke that Wall Street bigwigs, including George Soros investment firm, held off-the-record private meetings with Fed officials, where they urged a new round of Fed intervention to prop up Europe. Apparently, the TRILLIONS in bailouts and secret loans the Fed has issued to overseas banks in recent years arent working. Now, some foreign banks are fearing old-fashioned panics and demanding depositors show proof of need just to withdraw large amounts of their own money! And Im afraid its only a matter of time until this madness reaches our shores. Today the U.S. dollar acts as the worlds reserve currency - the currency most often used in international trading. This has encouraged our federal governments monetary morphine high, enabling Congress to spend like drunken sailors as U.S. dollars - even when printed out of thin air - stay in demand around the globe. But as foreign economies crumble and stop needing U.S. dollars - and the Federal Reserve continues to print money like theres no tomorrow - I truly fear an all-out, global financial catastrophe resulting in the collapse of the U.S. dollar. And our massive and growing $17.3 TRILLION national debt could end up wiping out every last shred of American wealth. Thats why your action today is so critical. If you and I can FORCE Congress to Audit the Fed, the American people will finally see that the Federal Reserve System leads to: *** Ever-expanding Big Government boondoggles like ObamaCare. Now that politicians have figured out the Fed will just create money out of thin air to pay the bills if taxing and borrowing cant make ends meet, the floodgates are wide open for even more of the statists utopian plans; *** Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation; *** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money sinks; *** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize their money isnt worth the paper its printed on and REFUSE to accept it. Thats why its so important you help me turn up the heat on Congress today! I know that despite an outpouring of action by the American people during Janet Yellens confirmation hearing, Senator Reid flat-out REFUSED to allow a vote on Audit the Fed. But luckily for him, my ability to participate in the fight was limited by federal law. As a former Member of Congress, I was restricted on what I could say and do regarding legislation and grassroots mobilization for one year after leaving office. For example, I couldnt even directly ask you to call Congress for or against a piece of legislation. But those restrictions were lifted on January 4. And with so much at stake, Im more determined than ever to FORCE Congress to act on auditing the Federal Reserve. Without an audit, Im afraid there could be no stopping the economic calamity you and I both sense roaring at us like a freight train. The good news is your action is proven to work. Just ten years ago, discussion of the Federal Reserve was limited almost solely to libertarian academics and a few of us in Congress. Today, its a MAJOR national political issue - one supported by nearly 75% of the American people.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:52:12 +0000

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