You see, these Lizards, the more misery they can cause to humans - TopicsExpress


You see, these Lizards, the more misery they can cause to humans the more LOOSH they gather for their daily intake of negative energy, its what they feed on to keep themselves in existence. We who are truly Awake must also awaken to who else resides here with us on earth, manipulating us unbeknownst to us why. ~~~this from fellow truthers who are very clued up on this~~~ Sholla & Steven~~~~~~~ the negative energy is called loosh, and this is the very thing that feeds them... the more loosh there is, the stronger they will be... as more and more of us wake up, and lose the ability to worry, the fear subsides and they starve !!! The children are innocent and fear mixed with that innocence is like heroin to these reptiles... that is why there are so many children that go missing.. According to Steven D Kelley, the massive underground castle under the Ghetty has levels like the pyramid upside down, and guess who is at the bottom of this... the head reptilian, and according to Princess Dis account, he is male and right above the queen mother... from my understanding they bathe in the blood and eat the flesh. Just like how our bodies absorb through our skin, this is how they drink the blood. Here is the lecture where Steven talks about this: https://youtube/watch?v=iwrIO7E06Ao&index=20&list=PLWwzjKDBcdFcbB0fqiDI5uSCN8XyeHfLP Steven D Kelly - This not about scaring people, this is not about negativity, this is about sharing Light where Light needs to go and spread Truth. UNDERGROUND BUNKERS specifically were going to be taking the lid off one of the Crown Jewels of the entire system and its also the weakest link in the entire house of cards. This a duel polarity system so when I say its one group its actually more almost like two sides of the same coin, entities that historicallly seem to be polar opposites and enemies but in reality they work side by side. They go to war and they appear to be enemies, its not the case, its all a big farce, its usually done to create lots of bloodshed and lots of misery. Santa Monica Mt, notice anything funny about that place? You got to take a tram to get up to that place, you cant park anywhere near it. It kind of looks like King Solomons Temple doesnt it. Looks like something out of ancient Jerusulem. how about that Tavertine marble covering every square inch of it. four inch thick Tavertine marble. What is Tavertine Marble? One of the hardest substances on earth its natural ballistic armour, the entire building is bullet proof 4 marble like ballistic nothing can penetrate it The GETTY - the Getty is a pimple on a the back of an elephant, theres a city below there that is just huge. Now theres a lot of bunkers in the United States, theres at least 250 in the United states and theyre all linked up and they all have different purposes Denver Airport thats devoted to aviation Montauk of course is east Coast StarWars and theyre all over the place. We know about Edwards Airforce Base, Area 51 - research & developments site, well every single one of these things are hooked up by a tube, a tube train. The thing is about this is that they go over state lines, they go over international lines, another words there is no sovereign govts involved with these people this is an underground govt, truly an underground govt and they go back to the magna carta. If you want to know what they operate under its the magna carta. Theres two versions of the magna carta, one for the common people and one for the nobles, they follow the one for the nobles because they are the templars. If you read the magna carta youll see that the ??? divided up the world and every one of them have to give 20% to the crown. The crown doesnt physically take possession but they always own it. This is interesting about the crown, because when the Getty museum was completed back in 2000, the QE gave J Paul Getty a knighthood, what did he do to deserve a knighthood? He bought the nicest castle that everybody had ever seen underground,were talking plush think collegular? think imperial Rome, think gold plated everything covered in marble and ??? everything is just incredible. The Gettys Museum is also a repository of western culture, its kind of like Noahs Ark and theyre going to save all this art work and they also think the Vatican keeps artwork there, youd think why would they do that. These guys think that something bad is going to happen CAVERS 21:39 1st floor - Nazi Psychics They are there to prevent Remote viewers from going down there and seeing anything down there, theyre not very good at it. But they act like an alarmist because they can tell when someone is going through and this is how they knew that my person had gone in there and they alerted them. LOOSH - is negative human emotional psychic energy. The opposite of Love - Hate, anger, despair, fear, loneliness, heartache, anxiety. When you watch a scarey movie youre generating LOOSH, when somebody breaks your heart and youre sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself youre producing LOOSH. This is why they like to stick us in a big city. It keeps us together. Its like cattle in a stock yard, why would you want to have your cattle scattered across the country, its much easier to manage them when theyre in one little place. They can collect that energy real easy, you know, perhaps a cell phone tower is a part of that. I dont know how they collect this energy, but you got a place like The Getty built under L A County can you imagine how much LOOSH LA probably produces on a daily basis, all the crap that goes on in that city? You know what, all these negative guys we talk about these reptoids and what not and they feed on this LOOSH this negative energy? well again whats the opposite of that....they need this negative energy to survive, whats poisonous to them?...Love, happiness, joy, lack of fear.So when someone says nuclear coming.....etc.. dont focus on all the little details about this is gonna happen, this is gonna happen, should I build a bunker, should I get food, water, bla, bla, bla... worry about your Soul, worry about which boat you gonna get to get on...remember this is all about Service To Self or Service To Others Big fortress underneath the Getty. https://youtube/watch?v=iwrIO7E06Ao&index=20&list=PLWwzjKDBcdFcbB0fqiDI5uSCN8XyeHfLP
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 20:49:58 +0000

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