You see we drove into Farm Crazy, looked peaceful, clean fresh - TopicsExpress


You see we drove into Farm Crazy, looked peaceful, clean fresh air, yep all was if you believe that load of nonsensical dribble, well then you need to take a deep breath & think on it for a while! So i look over to Battleaxe & his mate Chalie, Charlie had his head down, Battleaxe was shaking his head & crossing his eyes. Anyhow my next thing to do was see what look The Sportster, Dil & Bella had. Mmmm, Sporty said oh golly gum bush, Dil saying holy catfish, i taught him to say that instead of swearing if there was a problem, now to Bella, who is a born tiddle tat. She was singing in that I know it all & here words were oh, oh shes in trouble, margs really gonna burst her bubble!! OK, stay calm me, be cool. I wont go thru all the details but it came down to Kyls laying on the lounge, looking like death warmed up, sick as. So me being me, took in the scene & asked if she was taking her medicine. Well, the honey & lemon gave her mouth ulcers, my fault (apparently) & that medicine tastes foul! Cool me, how about we drive into town & get you antibiotics? Well there was actually some in her (Kyls) medicine box. In the goblet they went, turned my attention o Mae, gave her one plus a dose of foul cough medi. Made herself take a dose as well. So by this arvo they were both looking & feeling a little better. Yeehaa! Meantime back at the ranch, steve & Dags did a huge amount of work & Farm Crazy looks a picture!!! I picked up horse dung & put around the shrubs, washed out the water troughs, watered, wood shavings in stable for arrival of fella (with Kyls help), talked to the three Amigos (Bella, Dil & The Sportster), then got lessons of Kyls on this new fandangle ground work, Dil being the recipient!! Right now Im sure my poor old body is in shock, its rather achy & im sure i will not be able to move by the morning. BUT I feel great in myself!!!! & that is another episode fr Farm Crazy, to be continued next week. Really hope that girl of mine bites the bullet & TAKES HER BLASTED MEDICINE!!!! Catch you all on the flip side, as an old friend always said to me. Oh just one more thing. If I get Kyls flue Im gonna kick her butt!!!! FACT!!!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:03:27 +0000

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