You see, working people stand united in our desire for economic - TopicsExpress


You see, working people stand united in our desire for economic change. A powerful majority-not just union members-want the minimum wage raised. An even larger majority wants good American manufacturing jobs and a rebuilt infrastructure not more bad trade deals and corporate tax rip-offs. Between now and November 4, we have a chance to show candidates that supporting a working families agenda is the sure way to win. We can demonstrate how powerful unity is. And we can win for candidates who want to raise wages and who will represent all of us, and who will make work lift us up, not hold us down. Right now we have a chance to grow power for Missouris working families with our political program and across our society. And in that effort I want every single one of you - every single one - to be fully engaged in Labor 2014. I want to see full participation, full buy-in. Weve got to do it to keep out right to work, and to defeat the constitutional amendment attacking teacher tenure. I want you in the phone banks. Lead by example. Knock on the doors. We need the face-to-face conversations. Thats how we win elections. Im doing it, too because our members do what our leaders do. You know its true. And let me tell you something, if you think we are in trouble now, its going to be so much worse, if we dont get off our butts and work like hell between now and Nov. 4. So lets wake up before its too late. Well motivate volunteers. Well strengthen activists. Well connect with more working-class voters get more working families to the polls. And we need to be out in our communities-building larger working-class political alliances. Thats how we break the isolation. Thats how we fight racism. Thats how we win. We have a vision-a big vision of a better nation. And were making it real because all of us pitch in; because we are moving forward together in solidarity; because we can learn from even the worst tragedy; because all of us together have the power to make a new day for America! So get off your seat and on your feet, sisters and brothers. When we stand together and fight together, we win together! Well work for it. Well fight for it. Together. All of us. Together. With solidarity. Real solidarity. Black and white, immigrant and native born, gay and straight. Where your picket line is my picket line. And my picket line is your picket line. Shoulder to shoulder. Arm-in-arm. All day. Every day. As long as it takes. Standing together. Fighting together. Voting together. Winning together. Winning for working families! Winning for America! Thank you! God bless you!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:49:18 +0000

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