You stormed out of the house after having a heated argument with - TopicsExpress


You stormed out of the house after having a heated argument with Harry. He was being ridiculously jealous, because of a stupid article saying that you cheated on him. Of course, you didnt. Harry, however, thinks otherwise. The magazine article had some photos of you and Brent— your cousin, hanging out at the café near Harrys apartment. You tried explaining it to Harry, but he didnt listened, saying that you looked too comfortable to be just cousins. You dont want to say some things youll regret, so you stormed out of the house. And so you were just driving around, not really going somewhere but just keeping your cool. Hes on tour so much, and him being insecure with your relationship isnt new. However, his trust isnt too deep because everytime an article about you cheating on him comes out, he lashes onto you. You sighed, as you went back. Its almost midnight anyway. Harrys probably asleep. You went inside the house, but your eyes caught the sight of someone sitting on the couch. Harry? ,you called, and his head turned abruptly, almost hopeful. A small smile left his lips as he saw it was you, but his eyes were bbloodshot, an indication he was crying. Hey, why are you still up? ,you asked him, as you walked at sat beside him on the couch, but not touching him. I.... I thought y-you left me. ,he mumbled, almost inaudible. Your heart softened at the insecurity in his voice. You moved closer, and cradled his body into yours, as hhe immediately nuzzled his face on your neck. I maybe angry at you. But that doesnt mean that Ill leave you, Harry. Yeah, it hhurts that you dont trust me enough. But I could never leave you, baby. Unless you dont want me, that is. But other than that, I cant leave you. ,you told him, and his sobs eventually simmered down. I-Im sorry. ,he croaked, his voice hoarse from crying. No, baby. Im sorry. Im sorry I wasnt here to assure you when you were doubting. But I swear, Harry, I could never cheat on you. I cant, and I would never. ,you told him. I know. I trust you, baby. I just got blinded by jealousy, I guess. ,he told you, as you cupped his face with your hahands, wiping the tears away. You have nothing to be jealous about, Harry. I am head over heels with you and there wont be a time that you have to be jealous. ,you told him, and the smile on his face was worth it. You kissed his lips softly, assuring him further. ~NiallsPotatoMofo
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:25:26 +0000

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