You swore to yourself that this time, you would not allow the - TopicsExpress


You swore to yourself that this time, you would not allow the lower third dimensional vibrations to bring you down. You planned on bringing back the vibration of love with you to this planet, but your memories of being with Source were once again wiped from your immediate memories as the 3rd dimensional brainwashing began, yet again. From birth, you were indoctrinated into a system that promotes subservience, control and conformity. You always felt cognitive dissonance over this but weren’t sure why. It seemed like everybody else was conforming to this system and this is the way it is supposed to be. You attended school and sometimes caught yourself daydreaming as if your higher self was telling you, “A formal education is not what is important in life.” As a child, you were taught how to play sports and learned aggressive, self-serving behaviors that only reinforced the divide and conquer mentality that is forced upon us by our societal expectations. You were pacified with mundane television programs that not only took you further away from who truly are, but helped to influence what you thought, wore, ate, drank, etc.. As you grew older, you started to discover how corrupt this system has become on Earth, not only in your home country, but all over this planet. You begin to seek answers to questions that are not taught in school, such as “What is the origin of human existence?” and “Why are there so many opposing religions when there is only one Source?” You become trapped in a system that relies on monetary success in order to survive, making you an economic slave to the few that control the many. Unknowingly, you become part of that system.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 03:13:27 +0000

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