You take the EZ Baby Saver and, as your getting in your car seat, - TopicsExpress


You take the EZ Baby Saver and, as your getting in your car seat, you attach it to the door handle like so. When youre getting out of the car you see oh you know this bright flashing rubber band youre like oh you know my child is still in the car, Schuler explained. Schuler won $500, bought a computer, then made a website. Recently a judge sent a Smyrna woman to jail for leaving her two children in a hot car. Shortly after, Schulers website went viral, generating thousands of hits and shares on Facebook and thousands of other hits on his website. It was something crazy like 26,000 and there were people from all over the world people from Germany, Australia, even people in Japan looking at it, Schuler said. Its just rubber bands and duct tape. Instead of using gray, if you had a brighter color then you would notice it more, Schuler said
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 15:17:44 +0000

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