You vets did not fight for Sharia!! Best quote from the comments - TopicsExpress


You vets did not fight for Sharia!! Best quote from the comments section, Isnt it interesting how these Muslims say they want, Sharia Law, Now they want Halal Lunches served in Public Schools (thats food prepared the Muslim way), they dont want Bacon and Ham served at Subway, the American Flag Offends them and dont want it displayed at someones home, Christmas and its celebration offenders, Easter Celebration Offends them, every damn thing about America Offends these People, Why are they Here?? Why are they here? Outs time we question them,why are you here? To use us,to just use our country? If you have no intentions on assimilating,then go BACK! Other Nationalities have come to America since we become a Nation and learned to live and let live within their own Communties. My great-grandparent came to America in 1902 from Italy landed in Ellis Island with 2 small Children and settled in Fl and raised their family in an Italian Community. My grandmother always told all of us Italian is your Heritage…American is Your Country, Love and Respect it! She had 9 children 19 Grandchildren, 26 great-grandchild, 14 great-great grandchildren and 4 great-great-great grandchildren…..and her legacy has been her love and respect for this Country. And Im sure the same could be said of Irish, German, French, English, Polish, Chinese, Japanese,,,,,,America is a Melting Pot…..We live by a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, We Respect our Flag, We Honor and Repect our Freedom of Religion and Speech…….but since 2009, we have been going in a downward spiral, and it scares me. God Bless America and always One Nation Under God………Wake Up America!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:21:20 +0000

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