You want to have a successful busines? Youve come to the right - TopicsExpress


You want to have a successful busines? Youve come to the right place. First you must understand the GOP basics of economics. 1. Steal from the poor. 2. Pay starvation wages (push workforce onto GoV programs) 3. Dont pay your taxes. 4. Lobby to close all GoV programs so you dont get called out for the deficits created by you not paying taxes. 5. If you do illegal stuff just dont get caught. 6. If you do get caught say plausible deniability 7. If that doesnt work blame Obama. 8. If that doesnt work blame democrats, democraps or whatever we call them now a days. 9. Use the profits gained from starvation wages and tax dodging to buy elections. 10. Strong arm your purchased officials to comply with your vision of capitalism. 11. Finally.. Donate to the KOCH family. Second you must understand how to avoid blowback. Containment plan A.) use stolen profits to exorbitantly overcompensate your CEOs. B.) instruct your big money employees to use the companies stolen profits to purchase news organizations in order to suppress freedom of speech. C.) say that the dollar has freedom of speech even though youre actively taking that freedom from the nation D.) when you dont get what you want force a GOV shutdown E.) deregulate Wall Street so you can make even more money on over leveraged risks in our speculative market F.) dont debate G.) call anyone who disagrees with GOP a socialist or some other name.. Just be creative. It all sidetracks them from collectively pushing for whats is fair as they fight amongst themselves. H.) POLARIZE EVERYONE I. ) never bring up what G.W. bush did, or his daddy, or Jeb funding hitler... That makes us look bad J. ) force middle class to hold the burden of your taxes so they are too busy to debate K. ) give congress a pay raise because the dollar loses value over our fiat printing.. However MAKE SURE you deny the middle and lower classes ANY wage increase. In fact make it more about hey I work in the plants and make $16 an hour ... No min wage should come close to what I make even though they neglect the fact that the min wage is getting close to their wage because the dollar loses value constantly. So they dont argue for their own wages, they argue with the poor. Headache solved. L. ) when in doubt ask Henry Kissinger to talk about it.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 09:33:57 +0000

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