You want to make fun of wrestling? Go ahead. You want to assume - TopicsExpress


You want to make fun of wrestling? Go ahead. You want to assume theyre all a bunch of doped-up fakes? Go ahead. But until you realize that its entertainment, and that the passion for the business translates into a passion for LIFE, for so many of these guys, you are missing the entire boat. Marc Mero is one of the absolute best guys you could ever meet. He works tirelessly, EVERY DAY, for one reason: helping other people be happy. Making lives BETTER. John Cena has the record for granting wishes to Make-A-Wish, at something close to 400, I think now. And this guy...DDP...Diamond Dallas Page...hes such a great guy. Watch this video. Look up how DDP helped Jake The Snake Roberts and Scott Hall avert CERTAIN DEATH. Look at whats going on...then tell me how awful wrestlers are. I am shameless in my love for wrestling. Its fun...and thats what its supposed to be. But moreover, Im proud to be a fan of it, because when you peel back that superficial layer of entertainment, you find people. Real people. And just like any other group of people, you will find greatness among them.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:34:14 +0000

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