You were anointed, you were on fire, you were living out your - TopicsExpress


You were anointed, you were on fire, you were living out your calling on the planet... What happened? People have been so hurt and wounded by the church (or at least thats the excuse that they use/give when they want to do something else or different. I used to wonder how could people just lay down their mantle and walk away? Then, I went through my own hurts, storms and battles! Did I want to walk away from it all? Absolutely!! But I couldnt! So I chose to detox from churchology so that I could flow only in Spirit rather than traditions. I see ALOT going on with many so called leaders within the church today. It seems as if theyve lost their axe head...their cutting edge, their ability to cut through the forestry of religion to pioneer a new trail! It appears that because they were cut, wounded or hurt while chopping down trees (doing ministry), they laid their axe head down and are now wandering aimlessly through the woods...LOST! No direction, no ambition, no drive...just lost! Im seeing people change right before my very eyes. Ones who I once admired and highly respected now live recklessly and dangerously. Allow me to say this...sin(missing the mark, dropping your mantle or losing your axe head) is at first tempting, then pleasing, then that point it becomes comfortable and you resolve never to repent(reconsider, rethink or pick up the mantle again)! Yes, we may get injured along this journey, yes, we may have been wounded by friendly fire(church), but were supposed to be soldiers in the Army of the Lord or so weve said/sang! I encourage you...if youve laid your mantle, gift, calling, responsibility down or if youve lost your axe head(your cutting edge)...take a few days to contemplate these words! Pick it back up and continue your assignment! Youre badly needed on the planet! Its ok not to do church...just do/build The Kingdom!!! You should know by cant do what everyone else does and get away with it!!! Arent you feeling empty, incomplete? People who have strong discernment can read right through as youre being either defensive in your rebellion or telling us how happy and free you are!!! Lets stop running...Jonah...and get back to what were called to do!!! *Dont know who that was for, but I had to get it off of me*!!! Peace,
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:40:43 +0000

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