You will always reap what you sew, and there is no way to escape - TopicsExpress


You will always reap what you sew, and there is no way to escape the horrible karma you bring into this world. This is just the beginning as youll find out in coming months (years?). Collecting money STILL through the Soldiers for Bret Foundation even after my loving son has ascended into the heavens for your own personal gain is disgusting. He was only at your house for 14 days TOTAL between Beaumont/Childrens and i know for a fact that between all your fundraisers you collected over $5000 and STILL thats not enough for you and that enabling leach Nicky you pal around with. I had to pull strings between Beaumont/Hopcroft to get his cremation taken care of so if youve told anyone you needed money for that you lied about that to. Where is his missing 95 morphine pills? CPS was disgusted when they found out about his fever and you insisting to throw away any man made fever reducing medicines that could have actually helped him. Finally when he had to get platelets from the hospital his fever was 105.3 and he was loaded with sepsis, and i told his nurse to tell the doctor if he needs anything you let ME know and ill make sure he gets it. By the way Dr Gowen said his Broviac wasnt cleaned or flushed out for at least a week (which is likely why he was septic) and Bret himself told me that he didnt get his cannabis oil for days. So while you were going on your selfish God rant and causing so much commotion, our son was suffering beyond belief. The last words Bret heard from your mouth were you screaming at him Your Dad is a loser, hes always been a loser, and hes the reason your sick before you made a huge scene and stormed out of the room and took off his lucky bracelet. Youre going to have to live with that the rest of your life. Instead of coming together peacefully so he could go peacefully with his parents by his side you threatened nurses, doctors, social workers, turned off all of his IV meds, ground up your own Kolonpins and were feeding them to him. I have nothing to say to you the rest of this life. I held his hand and kissed his little head and told him some private things between me n him when he crossed over and i wouldnt trade that experience for anything because when he left his body he shot through me like 1,000,000 volts of electricity. I had to promise Bret that i would take care of you so he could let go and go with the angels that he was conversing with shortly before he ascended, but with how much anger i feel toward everything that happened i will never again acknowledge your presence and if i can help it, i will walk the other way any time i see you. My way of taking care of you is utterly erasing you from my mind for good. If you try to send anyone to come get me i have plenty of guns and a ton of ammo. And after the calls i was getting at the hospital that you were bringing up a gun to kidnap him before you got arrested i take any threat from you very very seriously. FYI The state wants to charge you with gross negligence and you better hope that they dont ask me or my family to take the stand. Even your own friends were disgusted at the way you were acting and were tipping me off to the shit you pulled in our sons last days. But like i said, you REAP what you sew........ https://youtube/watch?v=lfg0_FbIqqw
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:40:55 +0000

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