You will not have a breakdown but a breakthrough For the LORD - TopicsExpress


You will not have a breakdown but a breakthrough For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11 My beloved, today in my spirit I am hearing people saying that they feel like they are going to have breakdowns. It seems like so much is coming against them and they feel like there is no way out. They are finding it so difficult to pray, and when they do pray it seems like the prayers are just hitting the ceiling and bouncing back. They know the Word of God, but somehow it seems the heavenly realm over them is locked up. They’re tired mentally from all the battles, and physically the stress has taken a toll on their bodies. They feel overwhelmed by all the demands of others. They’re dealing with their own challenges but family and friends are also pulling on them from every angle. They’re the one in the family who hears everything, who everyone comes to for advice, and who everyone wants to pray for them. They wish at times they could get up and take the next plane out to anywhere.They feel so overwhelmed and burdened. But my beloved, thus said the Lord: Child of God, you will not have a breakdown but a breakthrough. God wants to remind you today to cast all your cares upon Him. The burdens you are carrying are all too heavy for you to bear. God wants to give you rest. Oh yes, you have been sleeping, but you have not been resting in the Lord. God wants to give you spiritual rest. All that you’re facing, all that’s overwhelming you, release it to the Lord. God wants to bear the burdens for you so that you can experience His freedom. The Lord is telling you to come unto Him, you who labor and are heavy laden, and He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). He is saying to release everything to Him and rest in Him. “Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass” (Psalm 37:7). Some of you today might be crying, Lord how long? How much longer do I have to go through this, Lord? But remember that God is your divine deliverer. Just as He delivered the three Hebrew boys from the midst of the burning furnace, He is sure to deliver you.For some of you, family, friends and even other Christians have turned against you. The same people who you have stuck out your neck for many times are now trying to destroy you. Hope in the Lord. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household (Matthew 10:36). Bless them, love them, and pray for them.It may seem like your enemies are triumphing over you. You have prayed, you have forgiven, you have tried to heap coals of fire on their heads and they’re still plotting against you. Beloved, be reminded of the Word of the Lord: “Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be envious against those who work unrighteousness (that which is not upright or in right standing with God). For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed” (Psalm 37:1-3).Do not allow yourself to get bitter or to refuse to grant forgiveness; release your enemies and hope in the Lord. “When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Proverbs 16:7). Your marriage may seem to be bursting at the seams. Your family may be under attack. The constant pressures and confusion are becoming so overwhelming. Release them all to the Lord. You may be up to your neck in debt and financial pressures, and the creditors are calling day and night. You don’t even answer your telephone anymore. You allow the machine to take messages. Your mortgage is behind; your car is about to be repossessed; your rent is past due; your bank account is empty. You know that no one can help you but God. Look to the Lord for your financial breakthrough. If you are not in any of these situations just thank God, for these things are reality in the body of Christ. You cannot afford at this time to let your mind dwell on anything but the Word of God. You need to be in perfect peace. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3). Instead of fearing a breakdown, you need to begin to see a supernatural breakthrough. You need to begin to see how God is about to bring deliverance in your situation. No, beloved, you won’t break down, you are about to have a breakthrough. God loves you dearly. He cares about you. He has not forsaken you. He sees and He knows all that you’re going through. He is with you and He knows just what to do to turn your weeping into rejoicing. He knows just how much you can take, and He has promised not to give you more than you’re able to bear. Thank God today for giving you the strength to make it through. Believe with all your heart that you’re about to have a breakthrough! Amen and amen.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:32:02 +0000

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