You work hard to get a letter grade based on how you were obedient - TopicsExpress


You work hard to get a letter grade based on how you were obedient and how you followed directions to get into a college that gives you a piece of paper that you need that puts you in debt , then to work a desk job or even a minimum wage job that keeps you barely afloat . Slavery at its finest . A slave to money, education, a piece of paper, and once further a slave to the person that dropped out or did unorthodox education who is a slave to the top 16 elite families . I value education, especially history , but what amazes me, is people work so hard to impress others and to be obedient, to almost trained to be a future/current slave in school, to be in debt, to have things he or she cant afford without a loan or sacrifice to necessities , to get a piece of paper worth 20,000 dollars minimum , that allows you A SLIGHT chance at having a job that enslaves you to work 8-5 in a cubicle or office. Youre a slave to money , paper money, which is worthless . But because you need to work for food, youre automatically a slave to the system that every day makes the gap between you and what is told that you can become bigger . The projection of one becoming successful is very slight especially in my generation . slavery (ˈsleɪvərɪ) n 1. (Law) the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune 2. the subjection of a person to another person, esp in being forced into work Does that seem familiar ? You work a job to barely make it through in the world . You are subjected to it . You cant be self sustainable anymore . Monsanto genetically altered 90% of US corn . It is getting harder and harder to find seeds that arent genetically modified . You think the whole GM thing is bullshit ? Some propaganda ask yourself, how gluten allergies came to be let alone all these cancers people are getting from food . You are controlled . The government controls all aspects of your life . They tell you its for your protection but in reality its for theirs . Modern education is a P.O.S. The system is corrupt . Your mind is subjected to the media and the biased media controlled by big corporations that are owned by the 16 elites that own many popular brands . Am I crazy ? Or are you just rejecting the thoughts that something bigger, something more , is in the world than what you have been working for . You have been trained to be a slave to the system . Slavery of work Food Water Paper money All that has been regulated by the government . The drought is coming or has already came, that will bring famine . People will fight each other for food and water . Civil unrest . Soon. Your little family will face the consequences , no more iPhones, TV, no more kardashans . Desalination plant? They cost 1 billion plus , the government has 17 trillion in debt . They cant afford the ammount of plants they will need . Who will pay for them? Its simple. Big corporations owned by the 16 families . Youre now a slave . But more in depth . The water is controlled . They can charge how much money as they want . I talked with an older lady today . She grew up in The Nederlands. When the nazis took her dad to be inslaves in Germany . Prices went up . You cant buy time . She bought food that was overpriced because she had too . $10 in 1942 for 2 eggs . You just wait, history repeats itself, if not worse . You Are A Slave No matter How free you believe You are . ITS ALL A LIE
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 07:58:00 +0000

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