You would think that once you give your life to the Creator of - TopicsExpress


You would think that once you give your life to the Creator of this universe that the one thing you would have 24/7 is peace, but you don’t. Why is that? We all have three peace robbers in our lives. You can never totally get away from them. They sometimes get so overwhelming that they can suck all the peace out of your life and fill you with nothing, but anxiety and worry. Do you know what they are? First of all there are pressures – deadlines to meet, projects to finish, bills to pay. Then, there are problems – unexpected illnesses, the sudden loss of a job, or the one straight from the pit of hell - your computer crashes. The last one is people – a prodigal child, an abusive spouse, or a critical church member. All of a sudden, your peace level goes to the bottom and your blood pressure goes to the top. I told you in an earlier message that if you are a Christ-follower the only thing that can rob you of your joy is sin. There is only one thing that can rob you of peace and that is anxiety/worry. There are a lot of us that are more worried at this point in our life than we have ever been worried before. I admit it. Worry is the Achilles heel of my life. I know there are a lot of you who don’t worry about anything. You are Joe Cool. You are the Old-Spice guy. Douse you with gasoline and put a flamethrower on you and you still wouldn’t sweat. Can I be honest? You are the kind of person that worries me! On the other hand, there are a lot of you out there that worry about everything. In fact, when you have those times in your life that you are not worried, you are worried that you are not worried. The truth is – When I worry I won’t have peace, but when I have peace I won’t worry. However, when you truly give God your worries He totally gives you His peace.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 13:08:31 +0000

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