Youall verses You guys: In Texas we say youall. When I lived in - TopicsExpress


Youall verses You guys: In Texas we say youall. When I lived in California the phrase was you guys. People on the east and west coast like to make fun of the southern expression youall. But Ive discovered that such a simple phrase actually gives insight to the mentality of the people who live in Texas. Youall is an inclusive phrase. You guys is a separatist phrase. In the ten years Ive lived here. I dont think Ive been asked one time where I was from. In Texas they dont care where youre from. All that matters is that youre here now. The attitude here is inclusive youre a Texan period. In California I was frequently asked the question where are you from. Anytime I met someone new, that question would be asked. Usually within the first few minutes of the conversation. California prides itself on its multi-cultural diverseness and the Liberal Government is always reminding people of that fact. Well, diverseness is just a longer version of the word divide. To constantly be reminded of the diversity helps create division. Until its not only divided into races but even divided into neighborhoods. Texas is a multi cultural State also. But here, were just Texans. Here it doesnt matter what color your skin is. It just matters what your character is like. No one is given special treatment because of their race, neither good nor bad. Were all treated the same. Are there racist here? Of course. There are racist everywhere, throughout the world. Am I racist? By California standards yes. In California if youre proud of being white youre a racist. If the special privileges given to other ethnicities, that are not offered to whites bothers you, then youre a racist. In California youre constantly told to be tolerant of other races which implies that whites are not tolerant. This helps fuel feelings of resentment for all races. But, Ive learned that those things stem from the Liberal view of diversity. Ive noticed that the phrase you guys is used mostly in Democratic Liberal states. Here in Texas we dont celebrate diversity. We dont emphasize Multi-cultural diverseness. Here we are all just Texans. This attitude is reflected in the phrase youall.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 09:00:16 +0000

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