Youd be forgiven for assuming that our regulatory scheme is - TopicsExpress


Youd be forgiven for assuming that our regulatory scheme is grounded in the precautionary principle (unauthorized for widespread use until proven safe), but youd be sadly mistaken. Were all subjects of the biggest radiation exposure experiment in history. Look at cell phones and Wi-Fi, universally adopted despite the fact that 75 percent of non-industry-sponsored studies have found that cell phones damage our DNA and that brain cancer in children has increased 1 percent a year for the past 20 years. On top of this, we bombard ourselves 24/7 with the radiation emitted from wireless networks and cell phone towers with nary a study of health effects. With cancer latency periods of up to 30 years, it will be another 20 years before we know the full extent of the harm. In the meantime, were all subjects of the biggest radiation exposure experiment in history... Appropriate technologies are those that meet human needs and enhance peoples lives and communities, without exploiting or endangering workers and without damaging the environment. The best go one step further and actually restore damaged ecosystems... Small acts of resistance and the adoption of new/old lifestyles will, eventually, coalesce into a force that can arrest our civilizations race toward the cliffs edge. Change seems to unfold slowly, but thats only during the early, underground stages. Once the shoots break through the surface, things can change very quickly. Who foresaw the dismantling of the British Empire? Who in 1965 expected cohabitation of unmarried couples and recreational pot-smoking to become commonplace within 20 years? Who predicted a black president and the acceptance of gay marriage in the first decade of the 21st century?...
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:24:24 +0000

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