Youll need to put your visualization skills to work to ride along - TopicsExpress


Youll need to put your visualization skills to work to ride along on todays adventures. If it will help, I am wearing white capris and a cute little beige and pink top adorned with sequins. .Lets begin. I was using a big oxygen tank on the front seat until I reached each of my destinations today. Then I would switch to one of the smaller refillable canisters. Did the blood work, doctor check up and other errands. Left Lori Powell State Farm Insurance on Route 12 knowing my next stop was just a short way on Manor Hill, I left the small canister on and laid it on the front seat as well.Pull out onto Route 12 and started to pick up speed when a car pulls out in front of me. I hit the brakes and my oxygen canister falls on the floor and rolls to the front of the car. Not having much slack in the tubing, my head is pulled up and back. Rather like in the movies when the evil stranger reaches up from the back seat and starts to strangle you. The canister is too far away to reach and my face is turning purple. Pulled off at BP and managed to get the situation all straighten out. I laughed once I was no longer strangling. Left Interim Personnel and had to pass by Kroger and I needed gas. I pulled into the pump and get out of the car. Then a voice comes on saying lady please get back in your car Not realizing she is talking to me, I go around the car to slide my cards and plan to pump gas. she comes on again you in the blue car, please return to your car and I will be right out. Now I am super spooked as is the guy at the next pump. Seems she cannot allow me to pump gas while wearing the oxygen. She did offer when she got free to come pump it but the nice young man at the next pump did. Thank you stranger. Now I have worked up an appetite and I have a gift card to Subway so I pull in and get a sandwich. On the way out the door, a younger boy tries to squeeze past me and spills his orange drink on my feet and sandals. His mother backhands him and I say Its OK lady, it is not the first time I have had something spilled on me. Its not like he stood back and took aim and threw it at me. She did not appreciate me but the little guy did. The End.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 18:47:10 +0000

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