Young People for Peace in Caracas the failed attempt to - TopicsExpress


Young People for Peace in Caracas the failed attempt to overthrow by force to the government of Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has demonstrated its huge international isolation except by the support of the United States and Canada. As it became apparent a few days ago at the OAS meeting, only the government of mob-style Panama joined the two northern powers against the declaration of solidarity with Venezuela proposed by Bolivia and agreed by 34 governments latinocaribenos( Sign of the times, the OAS already not serves imperialism to legitimize their attacks against the peoples of our America. It should be remembered that the military intervention by Washington in Panama(1989) and the dismantling of its popular forces unleashed by the CIA because only this explains the existence of a government as the sleazy Martinelli in a country that was concerning the struggles of antimperialistas, cradle of tough student leaders and popular drivers in the height of the General Victoriano Lorenzo(1864-1903) and Omar Torrijos(1929-1981). Washington has spent a millonada to gestate the coup against Chavez and then against Maduro. Above, the arrogant and threatening statement by the Secretary of State Kerry the March 12 announcing that invoked the call democratic clause of the OAS against Venezuela, indicates that the United States has decided to defy the declaration latinocaribena in that agency and continue to support their hordes of violent and insane in the guarimbas middle class no more project that the coup plan called exit. Outside of the three governments concerned only opposition supporters fascist reactionary forces of the planet. There is no single training popular in the world to support the enemies of the government of Venezuela, much less any legitimate student organization. It is known that there is a repudiation of that object was the so-called Venezuelan student movement by the combative Chilean students. Organic growing and the participation of the so-called media in the prior preparation and the development of the destabilizing wars and plans of the United States, as is being done in Venezuela, shows that have become real military units; and their employees, consciously or unconsciously, in soldiers in the service of the foreign policy of Washington fascist. We must take into account that in spite of their condition of transnational corporations still deceive many unsuspecting that do not repair in that after their screens or pages you will find large octopus closely linked to the military complex, as is the case of Time-Warner and its subsidiary CNN or the Prisa Group in relation to the country, den of converts and trasfugas as Mario Vargas Llosa and Joaquin Villalobos. This, alleged assassin of the Salvadoran guerrilla poet Roque Dalton. In regard to Venezuela, Vargas Llosa goes further than Villalobos. It is opposed to its view that the opposition has no strength to remove to mature by track and insurrectional to its recommendation to wait for the elections to achieve this. For Don Alvaro, so preoccupied by the loneliness of the brave Venezuelans, it is now or never. The fascism emerges, in essence, when the bourgeois decide to use the violence based on racism and hatred of the poor for the overthrow of the constitutional regime, dissolve their institutions and hunt then their supporters because bourgeois democracy does not allow them to continue controlling the masses. Does OR didnt say that tried to do with the coup of April 12 2002 the same current leaders in the opposition? Against Chávez, unless committed serious errors, they cannot by electoral means and not by force. People and Bolivarian National Armed Forces are one thing and despite the unrestrained violence shown by the opponents more descocados has been his attitude of respect for the law, and minimum use of fuerza( what has prevented a bloodbath. The Maduro government has shown strength, ability to not fall into provocations and to prosecute a peace process inclusive and generous open to participation by Unasur.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:17:24 +0000

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