►Young Women & Men, Parents of Young Children, Pregnant Women, - TopicsExpress


►Young Women & Men, Parents of Young Children, Pregnant Women, People with Weak Immune Systems: What You Need to Know about Fukushima [1]: Workers have BEGUN [2] the HIGHLY DANGEROUS and delicate task of removing over 1,500 spent fuel rods from reactor number 4, heavily damaged by the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear explosion and meltdown. The rods contain radiation at levels ** 14,000 times ** GREATER than the atomic bomb America dropped on Hiroshima !! This highly dangerous fuel rod removal operation has NEVER been attempted on such a scale before, and will take 13 months to complete. Experts warn that if any of the 15-foot, 660-pound rods break or are exposed to air, **HUGE amounts of radioactive gasses could be released** and the Jet Stream will carry them to America in days. Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine Dr David Suzuki said. Three out of the four plants were destroyed in the earthquake and in the tsunami. The fourth one has been so badly damaged that the fear is, if theres another earthquake of a seven or above that, that building will go and then all hell breaks loose. And the probability of a seven or above earthquake in the next three years is ** over 95 per cent **. Suzuki said that an international team of experts needs to go into the Fukushima plant and help fix the problem, but said the Japanese government has too much pride to admit that. [5] ►►Women and men wanting to have children, Pregnant Women, Parents of Infants, People with Weak Immune Systems: Be prepared. Start with disaster preparation, as per Hurricane Sandy. If you are not now taking high doses of anti-oxidants and nutraceuticals, you should start now. Stay out of the rain, which concentrates the fallout from Fukushima which has been falling on us since March 2011. See the Table 1 below [3] for a Radiation Mitigating Diet. Consult your physician - if they know nothing about radiation mitigation, get further opinions. Search the Internet and the NIH - US Library of Medicine for more information. >The Good News: As you age the mortality from radiation drops, so people over 55 need not worry as much [4] Sources: 1. Bill Moyers Nov 15, 2013 What You Need to Know About Fukushima | News & Notes, What Matters Today | BillMoyers billmoyers/2013/11/15/what-you-need-to-know-about-fukushima/ 2. BBC, Nov 18, 2013 Japans Fukushima nuclear plant begins fuel rod removal bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24958048 3. National Institutes of Health - US Library of Medicine, Aug 20, 2013 Table 1, Antioxidant effects on gene expression regulation and their preventive or potential therapeutic value in diseases induced by ionizing radiation in Preventive or Potential Therapeutic Value of Nutraceuticals against Ionizing Radiation-Induced Oxidative Stress in Exposed Subjects and Frequent Fliers, Int J Mol Sci. 2013 August; 14(8): 17168–17192. Published online 2013 August 20 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3759958/table/t1-ijms-14-17168/ 4. CDC Mortality Data = cdc.gov/nchs/deaths.htm An Unexpected Mortality Increase in the US Follows Arrival of Radioactive Plume from Fukushima, Is there a Correlation? Global Research, Dec 20, 2011 globalresearch.ca/an-unexpected-mortality-increase-in-the-us-follows-arrival-of-radioactive-plume-from-fukushima-is-there-a-correlation 5. David Suzukis Fukushima Warning Is Dire And Scary (VIDEO), Huffington Post, Nov 4, 2013 huffingtonpost.ca/2013/11/04/david-suzuki-fukushima-warning_n_4213061.html ..
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 05:50:04 +0000

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