Young gunman in Paris massacre surrenders: reports An - TopicsExpress


Young gunman in Paris massacre surrenders: reports An 18-year-old implicated alongside two brothers in the bloody attack against a satirical weekly in Paris has surrendered to police, according to a source close to the case. “Hamyd Mourad handed himself in to police... on Wednesday at 11pm after seeing his name circulating on social media,” the source said. “He has been arrested and taken into custody,” another source confirmed. Earlier, anti-terror police surrounded the unit block in the manhunt for the three suspects, including two brothers, the massacre which left 12 dead. One of the suspects was killed in the raid. The information reportedly came from two unnamed senior US counter terrorism officials. Victims included four prominent cartoonists, including the chief editor, who had been holding a morning meeting when the assailants armed with Kalashnikovs burst in and opened fire, officials said. Large numbers of police and ambulances rushed to the scene, where shocked residents spilled into the streets. Reporters saw bullet-riddled windows and people being carried out on stretchers. Two police were confirmed among the dead and four people were critically injured. The attack took place at a time of heightened fears in France and other European capitals over fallout from the wars in Iraq and Syria, where hundreds of European citizens have gone to fight alongside the radical Islamic State group. One man, who witnessed the attack, described a scene like in a movie. I saw them leaving and shooting. They were wearing masks. These guys were serious, said the man who declined to give his name. At first I thought it was special forces chasing drug traffickers or something. An employee at a nearby day care centre said he was walking with children when panic erupted. People leaned out of the window and yelled at me to get off the pavement, he said. We got out of there very fast, said Jean-Paul Chevalier. In pictures: 1 It was like something out of a movie: gunfire, tyres screeching, police sirens and rivers of blood as terror descended on a nondescript building in a calm Parisian street. 2 Elite anti-terrorism personnel have cornered the suspects of the attak on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. 3 Cherif Kouachi. 4 An amazing image from the streets of Paris this evening. 5 An injured person is transported to an ambulance after a shooting, at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdos office, in Paris.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:21:00 +0000

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