Your 3 Barriers Stopping You From Attaining Success Are you - TopicsExpress


Your 3 Barriers Stopping You From Attaining Success Are you where you want to be in your personal and professional life today? If you are, well done but I believe there is always room for more as why settle for good when you can be better. If you are not where you want to be, what three things could be stopping you? Fear can stop you life: Fear is a common recurring emotion which if viewed in the right light can protect us from harm, motivate us and warn us that something is not right. Therefore, we can safely say that fear is not always a bad thing. However, fear becomes unhealthy when it controls our behavior and keeps us from doing positive things. Fear will stop personal growth and innovation holding us back from being who we should be in our life, literally cutting it short. The good news is that 90% of the things you fear about will never happen. Fears are not created equal, they come in various degrees of intensity: from anxieties to phobias. The fears we face could be rooted in the one or more of these five core fears: fear of pain/death, fear of inadequacy, fear of loneliness, fear of losing control or fear of lack. When I was growing up, my neighbors’ 5 year old decided he could fly like superman and jumped out of a second floor balcony. There was no element of fear whatsoever in him; the distance or he would break some bones. Fear is a learned behavior and likewise it can be unlearned. We all I believe battle one fear or another; however I have resolved that I will not hinder my progress or derail my destiny. Mark Twain said it well, “Courage is resistance to fear mastery of fear- not the absence of fear. How do you overcome your fears? The solution to overcoming your fears involves understanding the fears and yourself, and taking action to eliminate or control them. This can be done with the help of qualified professionals. Confront your fears, list them down, and get to know them, take action as no amount of thinking will overcome fear. So what is it that you fear in your personal and business daily life that is hindering your success? Habits can stop your life: A habit is a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. Actions lead to habits, habits lead to character and character leads to destiny; hence Life is a sum total of habits. Brian Tracy said that, “Successful people are simply those with successful habits”, therefore for us to be successful we need to cultivate positive habits. What are some of success-hindering habits we ought to let go: • Self-doubt: If you belief that you can’t, then chances are very high you won’t for you have already written yourself off. By changing your mindset and the things you speak to yourself, can you change this to self belief. Also keep an eye on the people around you, are they speaking life to you or pouring into you negativity • Procrastination: This is always pushing things to later rather than working on them now. I am guilty of this, and what has helped me is to prioritize my tasks, not taking more than I can handle at a time, and being accountable to someone. • Being disorganized: Am yet to hear of anyone who is disorganized that is successful. In this time and age, being disorganized is a crime; there is help everywhere from internet, technology on phones & computers ,online personal assistance or even hiring a personal assistance. Get the help you need. • Distractions: We live a world full of distractions. Have you ever gone out for a meal and your companion is forever on their phone answering the so called urgent messages or taking calls? Losing focus on what is really important to the distractions around will cost us our success. Identify you distracters, set your priorities right and commit to them. Opinions of others can stop your life: How often has the opinions of others stopped you from pursuing something you knew was right for you? In this life under the sun, someone somewhere will always have something to say about you whether good or bad. Do you know even when you are dead, people will still talk about you? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You don’t need the permission of others to live life, for their opinions can hinder your growth and success. Focus on living your life, and let the opinions of others be just that. Les Brown said it all, “Someone’s’ opinion of you does not have to become your reality” Take counsel or opinions from people who have been tried and tested and have your best interests at heart. Whether it is fear, habits, opinions of others stopping you on your success journey, you have what it takes to change it. About the Author: Petronilla MM is an Author, Speaker and Coach. Her expertise is in Personal Development and Leadership as she believes every person alive, including YOU, are mean to be living a life that is happy, fulfilled and rewarding. You can visit her on twitter or on face book for on-going tips and recommendations for meaningful life-long success and happiness. Her Facebook Page is https://facebook/petronillamm Copyright © 2014. Petronilla Muriuki Musau. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.petronillamm
Posted on: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 07:18:47 +0000

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