Your Altar There will come a time in your studies, if it hasnt - TopicsExpress


Your Altar There will come a time in your studies, if it hasnt come already, when you want to set up your first altar. Dont be fooled into thinking that you must have one...this is just not true. The altar, along with all the tools you place on it are merely A knife pointed at the moon will do nothing by itself, the real magick comes from within you. The emotion and concentration must be there first and foremost. The tools are just there to help you focus. If you keep this in mind, you will find that constructing your first altar will be quite an easy task. Ok, youre ready to start, but where are you going to put it? This is something everyone has to think of at one point or another. Here are some examples of certain times when this decision can be crucial. Lets say Mary wants to set up an altar. Mary is 16 years old, and still lives at home, with parents who are very devout Christians, and would not even let her watch Hocus Pocus let alone allow her to practice that devil worship in their house. She is faced with quite a situation. Or, take John. John is a 32 year old man, who has been practicing Wicca for most of his life, but for various reasons, he has found himself in jail. Now obviously, he cannot have a ritual blade just lying around, nor does he have access to candles, or a lighter or matches to light them with. What does he do? These are just 2 examples of how important the decision of where your altar will be can be. If you live alone, and have an extra room that is never used, then you are truly blessed. You can go out and make an altar or buy one, and have it set up all the time, with all your tools on display, and just lock the door to the room when company comes over. But, how many of us have these living conditions? The fact is, any table top or flat surface will do. If you cannot have a permanent altar set up, then consider using the top of a bureau, and keeping your tools in the top drawer. A desk will also work great for this. The point is not that the altar is always the most prominent part of your living space, just that when you have it set up, you treat it with the respect that you feel it deserves. Some people will not put any mundane item on their altar, while some people will sit and have a meal on it. Neither of these two practices are better than the other, it is just a matter of preference. Now, what do you put on your altar? That also is up to you. I will tell you what I keep on mine. It is just a list of things that I use often in ritual, and any seasonal decorations that I wish to put on it. First off, I have a white candle that is used only for the purpose of light. Next, it is good to have some kind of symbol of the God and Goddess there as well. For me, these symbols are a white candle for the Goddess, and a green candle for the God, both located in hanging candle holders just above my altar. My athame is there, since I cast my circles with it, along with symbols of the four elements...Salt for Earth, water for Water, incense for Air, and my cauldron for Fire. I also have my chalice to hold the juice I use as a libation. Many Wiccans will tell you that you should have a pentagram on your altar too. Mine is just a pretty large charm that came on a chain...I found an agate slice in a science store, and used hot wax to adhere the pentagram to it. It works great. You, of course, will want to have your BOS on or near your altar for quick reference. Also on my altar is my wand. I do not use my wand often...only if I have a need to perform magick for someone away from home. In this case, I will bring my wand instead of my athame. So, why have it on the altar? I keep it there because just being there, it is picking up some of the energy that I generate during rituals, and stores it for use when I need it. Ok, you know where youre going to put your altar, and what you are going to put on it, but one question is left...Where do I get all this stuff? Well, I can almost guarantee that you can find everything you need in your own home. Remember, it is not the tools that do the work, it is you...the tools are just symbols. For years, my athame was a butter knife, and my chalice was a paper cup, while my cauldron was an ashtray (hey dont laugh, its fireproof), and my altar pentagram was one that I drew on a circle of cardboard. As years go by, you will get new tools, and replace the ones you are using now...just give it time..eventually, all the right tools will come to you. Perhaps something will catch your eye in a store or yard sale (and you should definitely visit all the yard sales you never know what people want to get rid of), or someone will give you something as a gift. In any event, the moral of this story is to just make do with what you have.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 21:52:05 +0000

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