Your Attention... If you closely look at your life, you will - TopicsExpress


Your Attention... If you closely look at your life, you will realize that it is nothing more than the sum total of what you have given your attention to. If what you are experiencing right now is not to your liking; stop talking about it, stop inquiring or researching on it, stop listening to anyone that keeps bringing that up; for your attention to it is the very thing keeping this issue alive. Stop resurrecting stuffs that shouldve been buried and decomposed by now. Your consciousness should only be on those things you want to experience and nothing else. The more you focus on the things you like, the more the things you hate will disappear. .... Actions to Take: I know you have things that you feel strongly about and you probably feel that if you dont pay attention to those things they will stay around forever. Yet I want you to also consider the opposite.....what if the more attention you give to those things...the worse it is. The bigger they get. The more insurmountable they become. For those things that you dont want to experience are like dying life-suckers and every time you give your attention to are giving the equivalent of a blood transfusion. So the more attention you give to them, the more life you infuse into them. Pull the Plug: Consciously decide you are going to pull the plug on worries, anxiety, fear, and every other negative experience that you have been experiencing. If they are sucking the life out of you, they dont deserve to live. Focus: Take an index card and write down everything you want to experience on it. Put it on your wallet and every time you use your wallet look at those positive things. Focus on them. Catch yourself. Every time you start thinking about those things you dont want to experience bring that list of positive things you want and visualize yourself experiencing them. Dont talk. Every time someone starts a conversation about those things you are trying to eradicate out of your life, change the topic. Eventually they will get hint. Request: There will be people that even when you refuse to talk about something; they will keep bringing it up. Make a direct request that they stop this conversation on this subject. Explain: Tell them what you are trying to do and tell them why you are doing it. Sometimes if people know the reason behind your actions they will be more sensitive and understanding. Stay away: And of course there is a small percentage of people that no matter how much you request or explain, they will keep bring stuffs up for whatever reason. Stay away from them as much as possible. Develop a habit. Do this until everything that comes out of your mouth is nothing more than the positive things that you want to experience in your life. Usually it takes 21 days for anything to become a habit.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 07:15:45 +0000

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