Your BELEIVE in the supernatural things of God is your greatest - TopicsExpress


Your BELEIVE in the supernatural things of God is your greatest most greatest asset...Dont worry, it doesnt make sense, Miracles dont make sense, prophecy dont make sense, healing by prayer doesnt make can be hard for you to beleive someones testimony because it really doesnt make sense. And yes they do not make sense. It seizes to be a testimony/miracle if it makes sense. FORCE yourself to beleive the supernatural things of God..You cant beleif in God and not believe in the power of God. The devil wins by planting disbelief in you concerning the supernatural things of God. He makes you beleif the testimony is either not true or the man of God involved is from Satan so he can win you over Because he knows he succeeds in blocking your blessings,prayers and breakthrough if he succeeds in planting disbelief in your heart concerning the power/supernatural things of God. NEVER ENTERTAIN DISBELIEF....if you finding it hard to beleive, FORCE YOURSELF TO BELEIVE. Say to yourself, mind and logic that whether you beleive it or not, as for me I beleive it. Because I know God is able. If he divided the red sea for d Israelites and did miracles with Paul, Elijah, Daniel etc I beleive since he is still the same yesterday, today and forever then he is still in the miracle business therefore I beleive. Never entertain Disbelief. It blocks the power of God to manifest in your life. James 1: 6-7. YOU CANT BELEIVE IN GOD AND NOT BELEIVE IN THE POWER OF GOD.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 20:49:46 +0000

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