~*~Your Daily Fortunes for Thursday January 22nd, - TopicsExpress


~*~Your Daily Fortunes for Thursday January 22nd, 2015~*~ Tarot~The Magician Traditionally, the Magus is one who can demonstrate hands-on magic -- as in healing, transformative rituals, alchemical transmutations, charging of talismans and the like. A modern Magus is any person who completes the circuit between heaven and Earth, one who seeks to bring forth the divine gold within her or himself. At the birth of Tarot, even a gifted healer who was not an ordained clergyman was considered to be in league with the Devil! For obvious reasons, the line between fooling the eye with sleight of hand, and charging the world with magical will was not clearly differentiated in the early Tarot cards. Waites image of the Magus as the solitary ritualist communing with the spirits of the elements -- with its formal arrangement of symbols and postures -- is a token of the freedom we have in modern times to declare our spiritual politics without fear of reprisal. The older cards were never so explicit about what the Magus was doing. Its best to keep your imagination open with this card. Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by evolutionary forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Norse Rune~Isa Isa Pronunciation Ee-saw Phonetic Value ee Translation Ice Meaning Ice, cold, freezing. Lack of change. Stagnation. Lack of emotion. Storing binding. Bridge across danger Associated Gods Verdandi Astrological Correspondence The Moon Magickal Uses To stop a process; to represent primal form This is the third rune that is associated with winter. It represents an icicle and symbolizes static existence, the present. Isa is a rune that halts all activity and puts a delay in the progress of something. We can do nothing but wait for the transformation of this icicle to turn to water, or the delay to turn into a new starting point. But it can take the heat out of a confrontation, or protect against magical attack. Emotionally, Isa implies a cooling of affection, or frigidity. Isa primarily represents a period of rest before activity, but do not let yourself get into a rut. Do not take anyone for granted. Be not afraid to show your feelings. Crossing water will be beneficial. Things appear to be at a standstill and this is not a time to try to force movement. Patience and wisdom are called for. This is not the time to abandon goals, but an opportunity to reaffirm them. This is a time for contemplation and preparation, not despondency or regrets. Things will change as surely as winter changes to spring and then summer Reverse Meaning There is no reverse meaning. Witches Rune~The Ear Of Corn - Keywords: Good luck, success. Meanings: This rune represents abundance, success and happiness. This is considered a lucky rune and if leading it is very positive about your query, whether the query is about finance, business, friendship, partnership or spirituality. In conjunction with the Rings it indicates a happy and prosperous marriage. With the Sun it means success in your career, and with Waves, success abroad. Totem Animal~Panther Panther medicine is the medicine of silence. Panther can stalk its prey in absolute silence—one of the reasons native tribes associate him with the spirit world—particularly the night. Panther can show you how to face the Shadow within and bring it out into the Light. Panther is powerful medicine—and the fact that you choose him says much about your willingness to face the unknown. PANTHER Reclaiming Power The Panther, Leopard or Jaguar is a very ancient and powerful totem. It embodies aggressiveness and power but without solar influence. A Black Panther’s power is lunar. People with a Panther, Leopard or Jaguar totem have the ability to do a variety of tasks at the same time. They tend to be loners, very comfortable with themselves and are often drawn to other solitary people. You must learn to pace your work and not push too hard. Women with Panther, Leopard or Jaguar totems often find themselves raising their children alone, whether it be through divorce or just circumstances of the job. Panther, Leopard or Jaguar people can develop clairaudience, the ability to hear communications from other forms of life or dimensions. They should trust their thoughts and inner visions as they are based in reality. A Panther, Leopard or Jaguar totems gives you a guide to help you on your path – in the form of a real person – a mentor or teacher. The Black Panther is endowed with great magic and power and this power will increasingly be experienced. Faery Oracle~The Fairy of Patience Patience can sometimes be hard, but often yields better results. Bide your time! Your Fairy Affirmation for today: I believe that my patience will be rewarded. Horoscopes~ Aries March 21 – April 19 When do we reach a point where we take responsibilities too seriously? Are we aware of when we become obsessive toward an obligation? We all, at times, adhere to a ‘if a job’s worth doing, then we’re the best person for it’ attitude sometimes but we can also be oblivious to how much we’re taking on that ought to be shared. Be ‘live’ to this now. A responsibility or obligation needn’t be yours to shoulder alone. Don’t make it easy for someone to shirk in the background. Taurus April 20 – May 20 We would probably embrace change if it wasn’t for the fact that it is always accompanied by a period of adjustment and it is adjustment we struggle with sometimes, not change itself. We can fool ourselves into thinking ‘big’ change requires ‘big’ adjustment, or that we ought to allow a lengthy period of time to acclimatize to a new environment or situation. You are well placed to adjust to a necessary change. Because it is necessary, you’re being supported by a very caring cosmos. Gemini May 21 – June 21 A question you could be asking yourself surrounds ‘what is expected of you?’ This could refer to your own personal expectations and what you believe to be required of you to embark upon a new chapter in a particular area of your world. It could involve what you believe to be others’ expectations of you in terms of how you ought to respond or react to what’s unfolding now. You know that all that matters is what you think and feel. What others think is secondary. If what you’re doing feels right, then you can trust you won’t be letting yourself for anyone else down. Cancer June 22 – July 22 It’s easy to reflect upon the past and see what we did right or what ‘worked’ back then. If we did something that had a desired outcome then surely there must be some relevance to applying it in the present or the future? We can convince ourselves circumstances were different then and we’re dealing with a new set of circumstances now that require a different strategy but perhaps – just maybe – we were able to summon courage more easily before? A solution you seek relies only on your willingness to do the same now. Don’t see it as any more complex than that. Leo July 23 – August 22 It’s not often skydivers jump from planes without parachutes. Rarely, do we sense impatience or excitement gets the better of them in a way that causes them to abandon all sensible thinking. Regardless of how invincible they believe themselves to be, they still recognize the need to take precautions or ensure they are setting off on an adventure properly. Try not to let impatience or impetuousness get the better of you now. You need to be alert and responsible if you’re to make happen what you want to see happen now. Virgo August 21 – September 22 Should you stay or should you go? In other words, should you do what you’re considering doing or opt to abandon the plan forever? Sounds a bit extreme but you seem to be in a situation where you either take the initiative, pursue what unfolds or stay put and do nothing. Are the latter really options? There is something tantalizing about taking a risk now and your instincts ought to be telling you there are several benefits to doing so. So resist any urge to do nothing. Trust that you are very well protected and look set to be glad you did take a chanc Libra September 23 – October 23 We can be easily distracted sometimes. All it takes to lose sight of something that excites, inspires or motivates us is a negative or disparaging comment from someone who thinks they know better than we do about something and suddenly, we find ourselves re-evaluating something that didn’t require further thought. We can be a bit too quick sometimes to believe someone else has spotted something or a flaw in a plan we ought to have seen ourselves. Ignore any negative or discouraging comments coming your direction now. You know what feels right. Scorpio October 24 – November 21 Some people go to crazy lengths to protect themselves. They take out insurance policies and then take out further policies to protect their policies! The innate need to protect is natural but there are times when we can go a tad overboard when we ought to be focusing on more pertinent matters instead. You don’t need to go to such lengths now, even if you truly believe yourself to be vulnerable in some way. Provided all you’re doing now is being done honestly and with the very best of intentions, you simply cannot go wrong. Sagittarius November 22 – December 21 Do others care what you think? Do they care what you feel? Are they willing to consider the contribution you can make to a shared objective? You might feel isolated in some way now, aware of how much you can do to improve a situation that involves certain others who believe what you think, feel or can offer is irrelevant or dispensable. For now, allow yourself to be detached. Let a situation grow and, if necessary, become a bit more sensitive before you choose to involve yourself with it. Then, you will be superbly placed to make your point or have your say. Capricorn December 22 – January 19 We understand history cannot be altered. Yet, we hear people say ‘history is being made’. This implies we can do much in the present to ensure no need exists to wish the past could be changed in any way. If we are in control of what’s happening now, then we should be able to ensure we don’t look back on this time with regret or resentment. Whilst you cannot change an aspect of your past, you are now being given a chance to put something right about it. Be brave. Be bold. Be willing to finally improve something you’ve long wanted to see put right. Aquarius January 20 – February 18 When we move into a new house that had been occupied by a previous owner, we can see traces of how they lived within it. We see spaces once occupied by large items and evidence of décor that they deemed suitable and pleasing. It takes time to make something once belonging to someone else, ours. First, we need to gain a real sense of ownership. You are superbly placed now to take control of an area of your world that has been controlled for some time by someone else. It’s time to make what you have remained unmistakably yours. Pisces February 19 – March 20 Have you ever seen a sound engineer’s mixing desk? At first glance, it appears to be hundreds of knobs and dials that must surely take a highly advanced qualification or years of experience to understand. Yet, upon closer examination, many knobs and dials are the same, just in vertical rows. So, if you master knobs and dials on one row, you can do it for the rest. The point I’m trying to make surrounds how easily we convince ourselves something that looks complex must be so. Something in your world really isn’t as complex as you are determined to believe it to be. Be Blessed! ~Elder Airwolf~
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:28:28 +0000

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