Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, November 21st Our moods - TopicsExpress


Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, November 21st Our moods change so often today that we might worry that we can’t keep up with the watery Cancer Moon. Crabs vigilantly watch the tides, since survival depends upon their ability to anticipate the ever-shifting currents. Similarly, we must learn to increase our sensitivity and rely on our intuition. Our emotions receive an uplifting boost later this evening when the Sun slips into inspirational Sagittarius and the Moon joins jolly Jupiter. Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19) Even if intense concentration is required at work today, you still may be distracted by a lingering personal issue. Thankfully, you can be so skilled at hiding what’s really happening that your associates believe you’re doing an amazing job. Accept whatever praise you receive; you don’t have to blow your cover — and you probably deserve the accolades anyway. Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20) You enjoy working out of sight today, as long as you can readjust your action plan a few times during the day. Usually, you’re not a great fan of change, but shifting gears is easy now as you respond to what’s happening. It’s not useful to act as if you have all the answers. Listen to what others are saying and take their wisdom to heart. Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20) Bringing your accounts current might require more time than you have now as the Moon visits your 2nd House of Money. Fiscal change appears to be in the air, but the results of your actions may not come quickly enough for you. However, impatience won’t lead to success today. Do what’s right and wait for the consequences of your extra efforts to work their magic. Cancer Horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22) You can be so psychic now that you know what’s happening even if no one tells you. Today’s Moon in receptive Cancer extends your emotional antennae even deeper into other people’s lives. Watch your moods swing back and forth throughout the day, and try not to make any significant decisions that could alter the course of your life. Nevertheless, considering all possibilities might pay off as soon as tomorrow when your optimism returns Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22) Your day is mixed with paradox because you know that you’re on the edge of something big. And although it’s exciting to think that there are no limits to your far-reaching ideas now, you might have to face an unexpected obstacle that could feel like a setback. Fortunately, a seemingly insignificant social event can send you in a direction that is very advantageous to your career. Combining business with pleasure isn’t always a wise idea, but today it may be just what the doctor ordered for your success. Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22) You might choose to leave your personal worries behind by attending a social gathering today or participating in a team project. Either way, the Moon’s current visit to your 11th House of Community allows you to grow beyond your individual needs and to share your expertise with others. Don’t miss this opportunity to give something back to your peers. Fortunately, your positive attitude will be reflected back to you sooner than you think. Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22) Although your friends might accuse you of playing the role of a mother hen at work today, your motives are purely altruistic. You want to share your love by taking care of others in the best way possible and the current Cancer Moon encourages you to express your emotions and nurture those around you. Pay close attention to subtle clues so you know when to back off or someone may get the idea that you’re just trying to control things, when you’re only trying to help Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21) Instead of letting personal issues overwhelm you now, blow off some excess energy by volunteering for a social cause. You can easily understand complex interpersonal dynamics so don’t be afraid to tell others exactly how you feel. Your perceptions are clear and your perspective is balanced while the Moon is moving through fellow water sign Cancer, so there’s no need to back down. Even if you make someone uncomfortable, honesty is almost always the best policy. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21) You are often drawn to philosophical discussions and can usually talk about ideas and concepts with a deep passion. However, you are likely to be more interested in personal issues today as the Moon moves through your 8th House of Intimacy. There’s no need to shy away from your emotions, even if they make you uncomfortable at first. Go right to the very edge of the abyss, since your feelings could teach you plenty about life now. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19) If someone tells you his or her sad story today, you don’t have to take immediate action and fix what’s wrong. Instead, just be receptive and listen with a sympathetic ear. Your mistaken belief that you have to be in charge and demonstrate your competence only brings dissatisfaction and frustration. Sometimes it’s not easy to sit quietly and hold a space in your heart for other people’s issues; nevertheless, it’s a good idea now to incorporate this compassionate practice into your life. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You’re done trying to please everyone else. Instead of playing the role of superhero, be smart, work quietly behind the scenes and stay out of trouble. You can emerge victorious if you are secure enough to allow others to take center stage and receive recognition for their accomplishments. Even if you played a supportive role in someone’s success, it may be time to let that go. Learning to love yourself is likely to bring opportunities from somewhere you do not expect. Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20) You might not be very concerned about what others think of you today because you are acutely aware of what makes you happy now. Your clear perspective brings a new sense of emotional power. Nevertheless, you might not be overly eager to express your feelings out in the open. Go ahead and trust in the process; there is a direct correlation between showing your vulnerability and the amount of pleasure you experience later on.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 20:16:17 +0000

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