Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, Sept. 11th Maintaining a - TopicsExpress


Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, Sept. 11th Maintaining a steady rhythm is a challenge today because we are in the midst of an energetic shift. We don’t feel so carefree now, even though the Moon enters cavalier Sagittarius at 2:35 am EDT. We can act out our aggression and then compensate by retreating just a few moments later because assertive Mars anxiously aligns with uncompromising Pluto. The heat is cranked up another notch as pleasure-seeking Venus tangos into passionate Scorpio. Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19) You’re eager to apply what you recently learned to a complex situation at work, but you might not realize the consequences of your current actions. There are dynamic changes on your horizon now that sweet Venus has taken up residence in your 8th House of Deep Sharing. It’s time to ask yourself what you want from others while you can still see the potential of what’s ahead. Keep in mind that everything feels very intense today, so move forward slowly with kindness and compassion. Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20) Collaborating with others continues to be your main focus when your key planet Venus enters your 7th House of Partners today. Thankfully, now you can see beyond the doubts that have previously limited your actions. But instead of wondering how you will complete everything on your plate, think about what motivates the people in your life. Ask questions and actively listen to what is said because you could learn something valuable about yourself as you discover more about someone else’s experiences. Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20) Strangely enough, you may not be able to tell if your life is growing simpler or more complex. Your goal was to create a schedule that allows you enough time for yourself, but now everything seems to be changing again. Go ahead and grab an opportunity to play while you still can, for your work might not afford you so much free time during the next few weeks. If it appears like others are having more fun than you, don’t complain; temporarily set aside your current concerns and join the party. Cancer Horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22) You want to be enthusiastic about your job today, although you may have to work on recapturing your earlier vision. You might start your day feeling resentful toward someone who won’t cooperate with you. But there’s no reason to hold onto negative feelings. As others grow more supportive in return, make a choice to graciously accept what they offer while still pushing your agenda forward. Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22) Resolving an interpersonal conflict in the morning gives you the maximum amount of time to make the most of the rest of your day. Someone at work might bring you an opportunity that looks promising, but you would be wise to do your due diligence before just saying yes. Ultimately, your new direction may turn out great, but you could easily mislead yourself if you don’t check out the facts thoroughly. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Your current sense of nostalgia might lure you back into your past, but, paradoxically, this sentimentality can put you in touch with someone who shares your search for meaning. Fortunately, your memories also activate feelings in the present moment. However, don’t fall into the trap of believing that a current situation is the same as a past one. Ultimately, your future success comes from looking forward, not backward. Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22) Today may seem busier than recent days, partly because you are enthusiastic about getting a lot done. The cheery Sagittarius Moon wires your 3rd House of Immediate Environment, but you could end up spinning your wheels throughout the day and still not have anything tangible to show for your efforts. Avoid the temptation to scatter your energy. Slowing down and checking one thing off your list at a time leads to higher productivity and more satisfying results. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21) You’re on the threshold of an exciting opportunity and may be entranced by sweet Venus’ entry into your powerful sign, provoking both desire and fear. You’re aware of the changes in the air and understand that you can’t rely on your old ways of doing things. It’s time to let unfulfilled dreams fade away so you can create new ones that are more relevant and realistic. Ultimately, you’ll feel better once you step away from the past and move into the future. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21) You may have recently experienced a challenging emotional situation when you had to relinquish control for a while. Now, with the evocative Moon back in your sign, you are reawakening to your own desires. You’re motivated to go out and get whatever you want. However, your enthusiasm could be too much if you ride roughshod over someone’s feelings. Remember to balance your goals with the needs of others. You are not alone; your happiness is intertwined with the well-being of the people you love. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19) If you are reconsidering your long-term trajectory, it may be time to think about setting new goals and aiming your life in an entirely different direction. Whether or not you actually make any changes now, put away your fantasies and consider only what’s real. However, this is not about giving up on your dreams; it’s more about putting them in proper perspective. Letting go of old expectations frees you to create a more relevant strategy. Once you have a plan in place, you might be pleasantly surprised with the speed of change. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18) It may feel like a split-personality day, yet holding both perspectives can test your metal. You have a lot to gain by stepping into your power and entertaining visions of the future now that the expansive Sagittarius Moon is visiting your 11th House of Future Dreams. However, you must also be practical when considering what to do because valuable Venus enters your career-minded 10th House today. Personal satisfaction comes from balancing possibilities with practicalities. Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Wake up and snap out of your dreams, especially if you’ve been lost in fantasies about exotic adventures and far-off lands. There’s nothing wrong with letting your thoughts wander, but the Moon’s shift into your 10th House of Public Responsibility reflects the work you have to do now. You can’t afford the luxury of drifting in the impractical realms of your imagination today. However, don’t lose touch with your hopes; just express them in the real world, for this is where your vision must ultimately manifest.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:54:20 +0000

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