Your Deepest Intent by Rev. Deborah L. Johnson We say we want a - TopicsExpress


Your Deepest Intent by Rev. Deborah L. Johnson We say we want a world living in harmony. We say we want equality and prosperity for everyone. We say we want to live united in a democracy. But do we really? We often forget that the macro is simply the micro magnified, that what we see in the outer world is a pure reflection of the inner. We want to have love and peace, but the question is, “Are we willing to be love and peace?” Since we cannot have what we are unwilling to become, social change is not possible without personal transformation. What we are is demonstrated not in what we say but in what we do, for our actions speak louder than our words. Just what are our actions, personally and collectively, saying about what we are harboring in our hearts and minds? What is our deepest intent? We tend to focus on the desired result and simply try to make that happen. Yet it is the initial creative energy, our intent, that most needs our attention, for the consciousness that obtains, sustains. If something is acquired through deceit, then deceit is required to keep it. If a relationship develops through loving-kindness, then loving-kindness will be its sustainer. Too many believe that a particular end can be so important that it justifies any means. However, the flower is contained within the seed. If a certain flower is desired, then that particular seed must be planted. The processes used predetermine the end result. Condemnation does not produce reconciliation. Compassion never springs forth from judgment. Peace is not the fruit of war. In the physical realm we all breathe the same air and share the same atmosphere. We forget that this is also true in the spiritual realm. Our thoughts, words, deeds, and emotions set something into motion that seeks agreement. The larger the number of people who resonate with a given idea, the greater is its outer manifestation. Whatever we harbor in our hearts—what we think, say, feel, do, and the like—has energy patterns that vibrate into the ethers, the shared collective field in which we all live. In a sense, we are all breathing in each other’s internal musings, as well as external actions. Just as no one has private air, our “private” lives are not so private. Our lives, moreover, are not merely the reflection of what has happened; at every moment we are making things happen. In this world of cause and effect, we tend to perceive ourselves as effect, forgetting that we are also cause. We have to be consciously aware of how we are always setting things into motion. Although what is set into motion cannot be rescinded, it can be neutralized by a counter-action. We have to clean up the ethers, the psychic air. Everyone must be involved in cleaning up both the physical and the psychic air. In both realms we all must do our part to not only reduce additional negative emissions but also plant new trees, literally and figuratively, which help all living things to survive. "Your intent arrives at the door before you do! The energy is so strong that no matter how you try to hide or camouflage it, it will always shine, even in the dark." --------- Deep in your soul lies something beyond all desires and motivations. It is your truest intent. Do you know what yours is at any moment in time? According to Rev. Deborah L. Johnson, this is your most important creative force. ‘Your Deepest Intent’ - is designed to help close the gap between what we desire and what we manifest. Readers will explore: "Possibility consciousness" — how to relinquish your perceptions, transcend your expectations, and enter the flow of divine unfoldment. How to be at peace with the process of living — including its complexities, nuances, and mysteries — to find the strength to take action and the fortitude to remain centered What it really takes to break the illusion of "otherness" and to integrate our spirituality into every aspect of life, from the most personal to our international affairs Rev. Deborah L. Johnson shares 43 messages that reveal the limitations of our existing paradigms and challenge us to look in new directions as individuals and as a nation. Although the messages “ruffle” our comfort zone, they inspire us, individually and collectively, to seek further communion with the Divine. They teach us how to understand, purify, and actually live our deepest intent. soundstrue/weeklywisdom/?source=podcast&p=8465&category=WW&version=full
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 08:12:33 +0000

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