Your Destiny and the People Hosea 7:8 I have said it on many - TopicsExpress


Your Destiny and the People Hosea 7:8 I have said it on many occasions, that on your journey to destiny, your greatest enemy will not really be Satan but wrong people. What Satan could not achieve on his own in your life, he will use wrong people to accomplish it. Look at the prayer of David in Ps 144: 11- 15. God must try men for you (Judges 7: 1-5), not just anybody can go with you in life. Make sure you don’t keep men in your life whom God is going to query you for. Association with wrong people in life has a way of destroying the strength, power, grace, potency in the spirit and the anointing upon a called man or woman. In 2 Samuel 20:4-13, we see a servant of God commissioned on assignment but partnered with a wrong person, an antichrist spirit - spirits that comes in the name of Christ but against the purpose of Christ. Be careful of wrong human spirits, satanic spirits are easy to deal with, at least by the name of Jesus and by the power of His shed blood, but a wrong human spirit is not easy to deal with. Whenever, the devil intends to frustrates or destroy a man of destiny. The very first thing he does is to send counselors or wrong relationships into their lives (2 Chron. 22:1-5 Ezra 4:1-5). Every child of destiny must take time to choose who he or she associates with (Isaiah 8:9-20). The Bishopric of Judas Iscariot was not stolen, until he entered into relationship with the High priest and the elders of the Jews. Abiathar was not trusted out of the priesthood until he entered into wrong relationship with Adonijah (2 Kings 1:22 - 2:27). Our relationship with the Lord must be valued than all other relationships and consequently, His opinion must matter to us than the opinions of men. This was the error of Saul, the first king of Israel- the people. God destroyed the work of the hand of Jehoshaphat because he joined fellowship with the king of Israel - a wrong person (2 Chron. 20:35 -37). When Abraham was going to mount Moriah to sacrifice Isaac, he told the young men to stay behind (Genesis 22:5). Why were they left behind? They cannot go with them to that next level. When Saul was to be anointed as King, Samuel the Prophet asked the servant of Saul to stay behind (1 Samuel 9: 27) because Saul must hear the Word of the Lord. Have you noticed some wrong people around you? Separate from them today and it shall be well with you. Prayer: Father, I pray that you will help me to know men for who they are and keep away from every wrong person in Jesus’ name. Bible in a year: Jeremiah 51:54-52:34, Titus 3:1-15, Psalm 100:1-5, Proverbs 26:18-19
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 05:12:06 +0000

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