Your Eid al- Adha Guide THE DAY OF EID The word `Eid` - TopicsExpress


Your Eid al- Adha Guide THE DAY OF EID The word `Eid` (عيد) is derived from the word عود (to return) since the celebration of Eid returns with the blessings and favours of Allah and with happiness, bliss and enjoyment twice every year[1]. In Islam, the concept of celebration is based on a religious achievement. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated as we accomplished fasting in Ramadhan and attained a degree of closeness to Allah. Eid al-Ad`ha is celebrated in remembrance of the great sacrifice offered by Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to sacrifice his son Prophet Isma`eel (peace be upon him) in submitting to the orders of Allah. The day of Eid is meant to instil in us such submission to Allah and His orders. Thus we should take this perfect opportunity of Eid to make a firm resolution to suppress our Nafs and submit to Allah. INTRODUCTION TO EID PRAYER AND KUTBAH The Eid Salah is Wajib on those people on whom Jumu`ah Salah is Wajib[2]. The Khutbah of Eid differs from the Khutbah of Jumu`ah in two ways: Firstly, the Jumu`ah Khutbah is a condition for the validity of Jumu`ah prayer whereas the Khutbah of Eid Salaah is Sunnah and it is not a condition for the validity of Eid Salah; Secondly, the Jumu`ah Khutbah will be delivered prior to the Salaah while the Khutbah of Eid salaah will be delivered after the Salaah[3]. Eid Salah is Wajib[4] and the Khutbah is Sunnah[5] SUNNATS[6] AND MUSTAHAB (DESIRABLE) ACTS OF EID 1. To wake up early and engage in worship (Tahajjud)[7] 2. It is Sunnah to eat something sweet (preferably, dates[8]) before proceeding for Eid al-Fitr Salah It is Sunnah not to eat before Eid al-Ad`ha Salah[9] and it is desirable to eat from the meat of the animals slaughtered before consuming anything else on Eid al-Ad`ha[10]. However, if one eats before Eid al-Ad`ha Salah, it is permissible[11]. 3. To perform Ghusl (bath). The Ghusl should preferably be performed between sunrise and the Eid prayer[12] 4. To apply fragrance 5. To brush the teeth using Miswak 6. To wear best clothes [or new clothes[13]] 7. To give Sadaqah Fitr on Eid al-Fitr (before proceeding for the prayer[14]) 8. To walk to the place of prayer[15] if possible[16] 9. To go to the place of prayer as early as possible and gain the reward of observing the prayer in the first row 10. To go to the place of prayer via one route and to return via another route[17] 11. To express happiness by displaying obedience and gratitude to Allah[18] 12. To smile at meeting a fellow believer 13. Offer charity 14. It is Sunnah Muakkadah[19] for the place of Eid Salah to be in an (Eid Gah) plain field[20] 15. To continuously read the Takbir at-Tashriq from home till the commencement of the actual Eid Salah[21] 16. It is Sunnah to continuously read the Takbir quietly whilst going to the place of Salah (Eid Gah) on the day of Eid al-Fitr[22] and to read it audibly on the day of Eid al-Ad`ha[23]. Allah says: ولتكملوا العدّة ولتكبّروا الله على ما هدىكم[24] Translation: And complete the time and glorify Allah as He has guided you ويذكروا اسم الله في أيام معلومات[25] Translation: And they take the name of Allah within known days THE EID SALAH[26] The Eid Salah consists of two rak`ats of congregational prayer without any Adhan or Iqamah[27]. The Salah will be performed in the same method as an ordinary prayer but with the addition of six extra Takbirs,[28] and raising the hands with every extra Takbir[29]. The Eid Salah of al-Fitr and al-Ad`ha will be performed in exactly the same manner[30]. The time for Eid Salah is after sunrise to mid-day[31]. It is desirable to hasten the Salah of Eid al-Ad`ha and to delay the Salah of Eid al-Fitr[32]. THE METHOD OF EID SALAH[33] All those observing the Salah should make the niyyah of performing the Eid Salah which is Wajib behind the Imam[34] The Imam will say the first Takbir Tahrim[a] while lifting his hands and folding them The followers will also say Allahu Akbar, raise their hands, then fold them below the navel and read Thana (praise of Allah)[35] The Imam and the followers will thereafter say three extra Takbirs, raising their hands with every Takbir and leaving them to the sides without folding them. There is nothing to be recited between the extra Takbirs.[36] However, after the third extra Takbir, the Imam and followers will now tie the hands below the navel[37]. The Imam will then recite اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم, Surah al-Fatihah and any Surah, preferably, سبّح اسم ربك الأعلى, and complete the rak`at as done in an ordinary Salaah. As the Imam stands up for the second rak`ah, he will recite Surah al-Fatiha followed by any other Surah, preferably, هل اتاك حديث الغاشية [38] The Imam will then recite the three extra Takbirs and the congregation will do the same. When the Imam will say the Takbir the fourth time, the Imam will go into Ruku` and complete the Salaah as usual. What if I come late to Eid prayer? If the Imam is reciting Surah al-Fatihah or another Surah in the first rak`at of Salah and a follower comes late and has missed the extra Takbirs, he should say the first Takbir Tahrima[a] and then the three extra Takbirs while the Imam is reciting and then follow the Imam as usual. If the follower joins the Imam in Ruku, he should say the extra Takbirs and then go down into Ruku`[39]. However, if he fears missing the rak`ah if he stays standing to say the extra Takbirs, he should go immediately into Ruku and recite the extra Takbirs in Ruku without raising the hands. If the follower misses the first rak`ah of the Eid prayer, he should stand up after the salam of the Imam and read the Thana, Ta`awwuz, Tasmiyah[40], Surah al-Fatihah, another surah, and thereafter say the three additional Takbirs before going into Ruku and thereafter complete the Salaah as normal[41]. If the follower reaches the congregation when the second rak`at has also been completed, he should join the Imam and stand up after the salam and observe the Eid prayer as normal[42]. DUA AFTER EID PRAYER It is permissible to make Dua after Eid Salah[43]. THE KUTBAH The Khatib will then deliver two Khutbahs[44] The Khatib should commence with the Takbir in the Khutbah of both Eids[45] It is Sunnah to begin the first Kutbah with nine continuous Takbirs and the second Khutbah with seven Takbirs likewise[46]. The Khatib should address issues pertaining to Sadaqah al- Fitr on Eid al-Fitr and issues pertaining to al-Ad`ha, al-Ud`hiyah and Takbir at-Tashriq on Eid al-Ad`ha[47] TAKBIR AT-TASHRIQ The words of Takbir at-Tashriq are: الله أكبر الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد Transliteration: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Laa Ilaaha illallaahu wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi al-hamd Translation: Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. There is no deity worthy of worship but Him. Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. And for Allah is all praises.[48] It is Wajib to read the Takbir at-Tashriq once audibly[49] immediately after every congregational and non-congregational Fardh Salah and Jumu`ah Salah[50], whether a traveller or non-traveller, a male or female[51], from the Fajr prayer of the day of Arafat (9th Dhul Hajj) to Asr of the fifth day (14th Dhul Hajj)[52] EXTRA RULINGS PERTAINING TO EID PRAYER AND TAKBIR AT-TASHRIQ The prayer of Eid cannot be observed under any circumstance after midday[53] There is no Qadha (make-up prayer) for an individual who misses the Eid prayer with the Imam,[54] but it is better for him to pray four rak`ats of voluntary prayer individually like Salah ad-Duha (Chasht)[55]. If for some reason all the people are unable to observe the Eid prayer on the day of Eid, they may observe the Eid Salah on the next day only for Eid al-Fitr. However, as for the prayer of Eid al-Ad`ha, the congregation can be held up to the third day only[56]. The time for Eid Salah commences after sunrise. It is Makrooh Tahrimi[57] (highly disliked) to observe any voluntary Salah including Ishraq Salah before the Eid Salah at home or at the Eid Gah[58]. If a person forgets to read Takbir at-Tashriq after the Fardh Salah, there is no Qadha of it[59]. If a person misses his Salah during the days of Takbir at-Tashriq, he or she will have to recite the Takbir at-Tashriq after the make-up prayer (Qadha) as long as it is made up within the days of Takbir at-Tashriq of that year. However he or she will not recite the Takbir at-Tashriq if the prayer is made up outside the days of Tashriq[60], i.e., after the 13th of Dhul Hajj. EXTENDING EID GREETINGS ON EID DAY To extend greetings on both the Eids is permissible as long as it is not regarded as necessary[61]. However it is advisable to greet with the following words[62]: تقبل الله منا ومنكم Transliteration: Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum Translation: May Allah accept from us and you It is an innovation to handshake and embrace each other after the Eid Salah and Khutbah if one regards it to be necessary.[63] And Allah Ta‘ālā Knows Best, Hanif Yusuf Patel Student, Darul Iftaa UK Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:30:02 +0000

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