Your Excellency, Brother-Benedict, Crown-Prince Rahul - TopicsExpress


Your Excellency, Brother-Benedict, Crown-Prince Rahul Gandhi, Namaskar. I sincerely hope, my e-communication reaches you in best of your mental and physical health as well as well-being. By declaring that RSS murdered MK Gandhi in one of your election speeches, whom your party anointed as Mahatma and Rashtra-Pitaa, you have annoyed me to no limits. So are crores of pure-breed Bharatiya-s, born and brought up on the soil of this ancient and greatest nation in the world. Crown-Prince Gandhi, you have ABUSED Indian judiciary too because Commissions after Commissions, judicial verdicts after verdicts, it was proved beyond an iota of suspicion that RSS had NOT been even remotely connected with the first political assassination in post-1947 India under the Prime Ministership of your great grand-father, JL Nehru !! RSS were not even in fringes of the national polity during those days, so there was not even slightest possibility of manipulating Government System (that you often condemn). Every member of RSS was busy then, in applying balm on the grievous wounds of partition-migrants, providing food, shelter and solace to those unfortunate victims of the Partition, engineered by your great grand-father SINGLE HANDEDLY without any shame, without any regret. Why did you then, rake up the issue ? Are you mad ? Lunatic ? Suffering from Downs Syndrome ??? This LUNACY had earlier afflicted your Comrade-in-Arm Digvijaya Singh too...and before that his Godfather Arjun Singh. Why do you all lose your mental balance at regular intervals, start howling / yelling like mad, like that ?? Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee was killed when your great grand-father Nehru was PM. I accuse Nehru of being directly responsible / accountable for his cold-blooded murder in Shrinagar prison. Was not your grand-mother Indira Gandhi answerable / responsible for PM LB Shastris murder in Tashkent ? Is not your grand-mother Indira Gandhi responsible for murder of RS Nagarwala and the Invesigating Officer Kashyap in a premeditated road accident after defrauding State Bank of India of Rs. 60 Lakhs in sixties ? Is not your grand-mother Indira Gandhi responsible for the conspiracy to murder Shri Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, then Jan Sangh President ? Is not your grand-mother Indira Gandhi responsible for well-planned murder of LokNayak JP Narayan ? Then, LN Mishra ? And scores of other political opponents ? Who conspired to kill your father Rajiva Gandhi ? Is not your mother, The Vicious-Vindictive Sonia Gandhi answerable for that ? Crown-Prince Rahul Gandhi, do you have guts to encounter these questions boldly ? MK Gandhis murder was a spontaneous reprisal, culmination of his intense Muslim-appeasement actions / fasts, just like Gujarat riots after brutal Godhara massacre in Sabarmati Express... MK Gandhi justified murder of Swami Shraddhananda, genocide of Hindu-s in Malabar, then Noakhali, then massive killing of Hindu-s by Razakars of Hyderabad...and he preached NON-VIOLENCE to Hindu-s who are legendary warriors, with NO protection coming from the Government headed by your great grand-father Nehru. Have you read correct history of this country ? In fact, you should be surprised, as to why poor / innocent / defenceless Hindu-s did not react much before NR Godse reacted with bullets. RSS did not react with bullets. They reacted by serving the displaced masses non-stop, day & night without caring for their own personal security, food, water when your great grand-father Rangila-Ratan Nehru was honeymooning with Edwina Mountbatten...Can you believe it ? Can you visualise such a devotion, such a dedication to people anywhere else in the world ? Least of all in Italy !!! I advise you to tender an unqualified apology at once with a serious refrain of avoiding such an IDIOTIC conduct in future lest you are dragged to court for judicial intervention. With warmest regards, Entirely and Ever Yours, Ramakant Tiwari (A Nationalist Bharatiya)
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:19:46 +0000

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