Your Goaltending Career In my long time career coaching - TopicsExpress


Your Goaltending Career In my long time career coaching goalies I have heard young athletes and parents describe their goaltending endeavors as their career. I would like to nip this in the bud and explain why you little smurfs and junior aged goalies dont have careers ..... Yet. I will also opine why it is unhealthy to think of your hockey as a career. Lets start with some definition of the terminology related to this topic. Career - noun 1. an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as ones lifework Occupation - noun 1. persons usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living; vocation Profession - noun 1. a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science: the profession of teaching. If you are playing hockey and not receiving payment it is not a profession, an occupation or your career. It is an athletic endeavor that clearly is taken very seriously and in most cases it is hoped this endeavor leads to something bigger and better. Namely, a career, an occupation, or maybe even a profession. So why is this distinction important? Initially, if you base your entire life on something being a career when you are young you are setting yourself up for disappointment and you are leading an unrealistic premise. You need to approach your endeavor, your hobby or your athletic activity with gusto and full effort to take it is as far it can take you, wherever that leads. In the final evaluation, if you dont get a scholarship, or didnt make the OHL or dont play in the NHL you didnt have a failed career. You took your athletic pursuits to their natural limits which should be your goal. Take what you have and get the absolute most out of it. You cannot have a career ending injury if dont already HAVE a career. (Ie. already getting paid) Too many parents and athletes feel like failures if their career doesnt pan out, when in reality they never had a career in the first place. Lets take the pressure and the identifying of our self worth as athletes down a notch and treat hockey like we should. It is a game period.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:54:38 +0000

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