Your Journey has been a long tiring one my child and it is only - TopicsExpress


Your Journey has been a long tiring one my child and it is only beginning again. There have been many trials and tribulations await you for your quest to seek, “TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, & WISDOM” from beyond- This Bible Study it appears I did start years ago but for some reason I did not do the first 3 chapters, maybe due to my schedule or has God has taught me before, it is on HIS TIME… What’s funny is these Chapters are called, “First Footsteps” which my Favorite Poem is “Footprints in the Sand”- The next Chapter is entitled, ‘Mission and Miles” Wow! Does my Father know me or what? Here is what I feel He would say to me today if I was in front of Him. My faithful servant Saul/Paul started his journey much like yours-determined to “try” and live a “righteous life” but as I had to show him and you- I “chose” all of you because you would be able to finish the race and ‘BE A VOICE’ for your time- To speak out for the oppressed, poor, misfits, outcasts, minorities, women and against the social injustices of the times. Saul/Paul’s time did not allow for “women in ministry” His Heart was right for the times- Jesus recognized the ‘TREASURE” I made in Adam’s life- a soul mate, his equal until “the enemy” deceived them in the Garden of Paradise- You, my child have sat as an observer in this world from afar-seeking knowledge from any source I provided to you- “of this world” or beyond it! You were not “learned by rituals or traditions” So more apt to “accept” My Truths for humanity! I’m sorry for the pain bestowed upon you due to the “wickedness” in man’s heart- The power, greed has always caused the strongest to fall by their own swords! I.E. 9/11- You knew there was an evil out here that is unexplained and though it “paralyzed” you for a time you know you travel where “they” are so my “WARRIOR ANGELS” can follow you to shine the light and root them out. I have kept you in the dark (innocent/without knowledge) at times so you will, LET GOAND LET GOD(me) guide your footsteps-one day you will be shown all that was hidden from you for your own safety and security. As we both know when you (analyze or overthink) you become scared and “wait” instead of taking that “WALK OF FAITH” You know now your “ANGELS of 9/11” are guiding you to help prevent further perishing of innocent life due to “FANATAICAL RELIGION DHARMA.” You know you fight a Spiritual Warfare one on this Earth and in the Heavenly Realms, not against flesh but spirit. Your prayer Warriors will be busy as you proceed in your “Spiritual Journey” Look for the signs I taught you as a child and you will succeed. There are those sent ahead to stop you, to confuse you, to destroy you- “FEAR NOT” as I am always with you-You are never alone- I will destroy those who come to harm you! It is time now for the outcasts, misfits, minorities; women to have a “VOICE” Say it loud! Be not afraid- The Battle will be won in the end and “THE LAMB” will be ok! Paul came from Tarsus, similar spelling to your birth sign-L.O.L. be careful trying to go there, my child! Your life was destined for this journey and that is why you were ‘attached to 9/11’ for so long, to seek justice and help prevent further manmade destruction of Human Life and I am glad you always remembered…. “LIFE’S A JOURNEY, SO I HOPPED ON A BUS….. GOD WAS THE DRIVER! ASEVER, IN PEACE, LOVE AND NON-VIOLENT SOLIDARITY ALWAYS!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 21:20:58 +0000

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