Your MD has no knowledge whatsoever that High Blood Pressure is - TopicsExpress


Your MD has no knowledge whatsoever that High Blood Pressure is related to a Calcium and Magnesium deficiency! They are CLUELESS about it! Your MD is CLUELESS that heartburn is caused by a DEFICIENCY of stomach acid, NOT AN ECCESS! Your MD is completely CLUELESS of the relationship between Selenium deficiencies and fibromyalgia and cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. Why? Because the research that they is bring to the table is only based on pharmacology. Also, it is a known FACT that for every 1 pharmaceutical based research paper that gets published, there is 17 that gets thrown out. They REJECT the research that doesnt support their drug and publish the research that does. They have COOKED THE BOOKS of their own in-house studies. (The FDA is there to safeguard the pharmaceutical companies rights, NOT the citizens rights!) The MDs are educated and socialized to believe that this pharmacological research is everything related to the illness, when it is one (rotten) piece of the pie of scientific research. They reference and present this BS to you as Fact, and the Only Way. You and your family BELIEVES them, then you SUFFER and DIE. #FireYourMD #RNAW
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 12:30:30 +0000

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