Your Man in Gotham - F. Marion – Lansing, Mich. Committee of - TopicsExpress


Your Man in Gotham - F. Marion – Lansing, Mich. Committee of Correspondence Sons of Liberty 2, Sept. 8, 2013 Global Wamring, Fact or Fiction. Interview with Dewey Smogg of the Union of Confused Scientists. Marion: Mr. Smogg. It’s been asserted by the global warming community, including Al Gore and his many acolytes and sycophants and fellow travelers that global temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, waters are rising because of man made pollution in the atmosphere. In particular it was asserted in 2010 by the Union of Concerned Scientists that warming oceans would create more numerous and powerful hurricanes each year. One fact seems indisputable and that is those members of the global warming community including Al Gore and others in the establishment stand to make billions of dollars from global warming hysteria. Gore has a huge vested interest in painting a devastating picture of the so called effects of man made global warming. His carbon exchange will be enormously profitable for him and his cronies. He has an enormous carbon foot print and he ‘buys’ his ‘carbon offsets’ from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself,” “To be blunt, Gore doesn’t buy ‘carbon offsets’ through Generation Investment Management – he buys stocks.” As WND reported, Gore, whose film warning of a coming cataclysm due to man-made “global warming” won two Oscars, has a mansion in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville that consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, citing data from the Nashville Electric Service. The think tanks says since the release of Gore’s film, the former presidential candidate’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kilowatt-hours per month in 2005, to 18,400 per month in 2006. In addition, after campaigning relentlessly against oil burning, Gore recently sold his TV Network to Al Jazeera which is owned by the oil producing nation of Qatar. Smogg: Is there a question anywhere.? Marion: Here’s one for you. Despite the fact that global temperatures have remained relatively stable and the waters aren’t rising, in fact the levels of the Great Lakes are 17 inches below normal, there were only two hurricanes in the Atlantic last year and none so far this year, the question is, how do you square the evidence with the predictions made by your group and other environmental extremists.? Smogg: I resent being called an environmental extremist. Marion: What about the question? Smogg: It’s all in our report. We say that it’s hotter now than anytime in the last 20 years and the Great Lakes are not a part of the ocean system and in the short run hurricanes can taper off temporarily. Marion: But you said that warming oceans would create more numerous and powerful hurricanes EACH YEAR. Smogg: My agreed on time for this interview has expired.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:07:12 +0000

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