Your Maturity is linked to exchange of "Auric Energy" Your growth - TopicsExpress


Your Maturity is linked to exchange of "Auric Energy" Your growth i.e. mental maturity depends upon exchange/mingling of energy(auric energy) which happens in guise of exchange of thoughts. More the exchange of thoughts faster the speed of growth as well as more the feeling of aliveness.. ..lesser the exchange of thoughts slower the speed of growth and lesser the feeling of aliveness....... exchange of thoughts you stagnate...sometimes feeling of being dead (non-existing) may happen. And the level of exchange/mingling of energy happen in the following order from maximum to minimum--- 1. In person (without any audio..with closed eyes..without silence)---Satsang in silence 2. In person (seeing each other without uttering a word). 3. Talking with seeing 4. Only talking without seeing each other 5. Communicating through words 6. Lastly(may be) just by remembering
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 04:07:25 +0000

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