Your Mind, Your Wealth True wealth creation begins in the mind. - TopicsExpress


Your Mind, Your Wealth True wealth creation begins in the mind. Creating wealth in the mind demands that you think on ways that the value that you wish to create fits with your passions, lifestyle, talents, skills, knowledge, circumstances, worldview, belief systems, and character. These are the important factors that provide you with a platform to feel and act in particular ways regarding wealth. They are what make true wealth creation a part of your living, and your own customized path to being wealthy and fulfilled. When you have such a platform, it becomes much easier for you to develop a blueprint, set goals and make plans for wealth creation according to your own peculiarities and operating environment. These would then be incorporated and coded into your mindset, thoughts, emotions, decisions and actions. This may require the reinforcing of your mind frames or its altering or even deletion, as you gain more knowledge, gather more intelligence, develop new beliefs, and create new meanings about wealth creation. The result is that you will acquire new sets of tools for governing your mind, actions, activities, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, language and the journey toward true wealth creation. Experience and research have for many years shown that success is relative to people, and each person has his or her own definition and measure of success. It is no different with issues of financial success, prosperity or abundance. That is why making lots of money has not brought about fulfillment to people, neither has the amount of money possessed by anyone been used as the real measure of satisfaction or joy. Wealth creation is a process whereby you sell yourself to others and offer them the value that you create through your ideas, creativity, activities as well as tangible products or services. In this regard, you learn to identify appreciate and leverage opportunities that exist or can be created to serve (offer or sell value to) others. Your wealth mind frame is thus built around thinking about how to provide solutions to problems around you. And, wherever and whenever the opportunities are presented to create or add value, your wealthy mind frame is geared to seize the opportunities. What this also means is that you will become a networker, because wealthy people are great networking people. They are eager to establish beneficial collaboration, cooperation and associations, as long as more opportunities can be seen and seized to create more value. In order to create sustainable wealth, you must also be well aware of your operating environment, with regard to needs, challenges, threats and opportunities. For people that are more entrepreneurial in mind, thoughts and action, this makes a lot of sense because entrepreneurship is focused essentially on using your creativity and innovativeness to meet a need or solve problems. Entrepreneurship is of course one of the most established and sustainable means of becoming rich and possibly wealthy. It implies that you have the capacity to channel your skills, knowledge, interests, energies and other resources to improve the composite value of your product or service. And, although wealth and money are not the same, a wealthy mind frame implies the ability to control money through innate financial intelligence. This enables a person to focus more on creating and building up ‘true assets’, which increase with value over time instead of liabilities that decrease in value or cost more to maintain over time. Value is relative to people, because we all value different things in different ways. To illustrate this, you can consider a scenario where a certain rich person spends about $50,000 to celebrate his birthday and entertain guests, while refusing to contribute no more than $500 to the building project of a new community hall in his neighbourhood. Some people may argue that, after all it is his money that he worked very hard for, and can therefore spend it as he likes. That is precisely the point. He will spend his money according to the dictates of his personal values. In other words, he will invest more money as it were in the things and ventures that he values the most, and which he would like to see increasing in value. To another person with a different set of values, spending that kind of money on birthday celebrations would appear wasteful and insensitive, especially when such expenditure is purely on consumption of a few people and is supposedly “spent” or “lost”. On the other hand, investing more of the money in the building of the community hall would benefit many more people over a much longer period of time. Like this page to always read our daily life transforming posts. You can as well reach us on +2348180950803 and +2347083068030
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:33:03 +0000

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