Your Mind at times will become its own sole judge as well as - TopicsExpress


Your Mind at times will become its own sole judge as well as jury and will at most times question one on the things that pertain to what is of a deep right or of a deep wrong , there is always a ten second space ,when doing something where the mind questions , it is how we use that sometimes ten second gap , how many take that time to use it................we can be in a store and have money on us to buy things , but there might come a moment no is around and right next to the outer door is a nice leather coat hanging there and it looks so tempting , to just take it off the hanger and walk out the door as you dwell on the thought , something says inside better not , what if it is a trap , but you ignore and listen to the other voice and get caught as you walk out the door , see there was a gap a gap wide enough to question you , as to what you were about to do was it a right or of a wrong , you can meet a woman or a man he and one will approach you and say care to come home with me , and voice nudges and say better question that offer and you do not and come home with that person to find there married and want to bring you into harms way , more so if the husband or wife walks in ..your caught in the middle .every day were going to be questioned by a certain voice , a voice inside of us questioning us on things were about to think about or things we are about to do...more so when it comes to people ..sometimes it may concern how some treat us and do unto us , and then comes the question how do we move on it ................... Romans 8:7King James Version (KJV) 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. ............................................................................................................................................even when it comes to myself when I receive message of bad negative ...I got to take and use that ten second gap and use it well..and I think and say God Bless you this day in many ways ..and then say I love you
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:37:55 +0000

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