Your Questions About Baby Sign Language Nancy asks… What - TopicsExpress


Your Questions About Baby Sign Language Nancy asks… What could cause my dog to run from my iPhone 4S? My 12 year old Toy Poodle reacts strangely to my iPhone. In particular, whenever I pickup and unlock the phone he puts distance between it and himself. Should he be sitting on me, he will go out of his way to get up and sniff it when I pull it out of my pocket and then immediately jump off of me and go lie down under a bed. He shows no signs of wanting to run off from me until the phone gets pulled out, at which time he always tries to get away from it. Could the phone be giving off some sort of sound he can hear that annoys the hell out of him? Or maybe he can snell something on it he doesn’t like? I have no clue. I watch him with other iPhones around him, though, and he shows no reaction; he only reacts to mine. I haven’t heard of any other dogs doing this, and I find it a little odd. Any ideas on why he is acting this way? Hey guys, thanks for the answers (and the enabling). I’m leaning towards the higher-register sound coming from my phone as being the cause. Cause he hates that damn thing. Oh, and for reference, should I have been looking for enabling, I would’ve put something nobody has yet, such as iPhone 5S, not a model that is years old and soon to be discontinued. I put 4S in because different devices sport different technology and components. The more detail the better, right?Thanks for taking the time to vent your frustrations and get a little attention for yourself, though. I do hope you enjoyed it. Again, thanks for all your answers! Carol answers: Electronic devices let out a high frequency sound that humans cannot hear. That’s why doctors tell new parents to keep electronics away from the baby. Dogs however have much more sensitive hearing and can hear much more than we do. Have you heard of the dog whistle app, that painful sound to us humans is similar to what your dog might be hearing. Betty asks… Why my instagram not working on my iPhone? I can’t make a new instagram I can’t sign on Instagram no one else can sign on Instagram ! Every time I try to sign on it says account disabled for violation but I didn’t violate nothing and if so I didn’t get an email ! Can some one help me please all my baby pics were on there ! Carol answers: Well, you need to contact the Instagram team, and ask them what is the deal, or you should make a new account, hope I helped. Also, they just released an update for the Instagram app. Lizzie asks… Is it too early to test for pregnancy? Or is it possible to come out positive? So me and my husband have been trying for a baby. I have irregular periods, some can be up to 5 weeks, others 4 but the last one I had was 3 weeks. I don’t know when I ovulated but we had unprotected intercourse on the 8th, 10th, 12th and 15th of this month. My period was from the 20th – 25th of November. Is it possible to test for a pregnancy now and still get a + or would the outcome most likely be – ? As I said, my periods are irregular so I don’t actually know when my period is about to start to know if I am late or not. I have a clear blue test so I don’t know if that helps at all with early pregnancy testing? It was just the only brand at the chemist I had properly heard of Thanks Carol answers: No, you should wait until minimum of two weeks after suspected conception, which would mean at the very least the 24th of this month (and even that may be too early if it’s a longer cycle). You should also track ovulation so you know when your period is due. Not using an app or counting days, but charting signs and temp. I also assume you mean your cycles vary, not that you’re having three week periods. If I’m wrong and you do mean you bleed for 3-5 weeks, please see a doctor. David asks… Is it normal to go to the bathroom every 30min or less? pregnant? Pregnant my first app is on tuesday jus wondering Carol answers: Lol yes completely mormal, thats just a sign that the baby is getting bigger and youre feeling more pressure on your bladder, I used the bathroom like crazy my 3rd trimester, congrats!! Powered by Yahoo! Answers Tweet
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:27:28 +0000

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