Your Questions About Baby Sign Language Robert asks… I was - TopicsExpress


Your Questions About Baby Sign Language Robert asks… I was totally into teaching baby #1 everything-Baby #2 is a little ignored! Any advice? With Baby #1 (i will call her S) I was into everything with her, lots of books, baby enistien videos, mozart on the radio all the time. I tryed to put in alot of time with S, but now that Baby #2 (calling her P) is born I haven’t even given Baby #2 a book until today (she is almost 8 months). I totally feel like I am neglecting P in the “teaching” aspects I was so good with my first daughter. S is almost 3 and P is almost 8 months What do you think? adn what should I do about it? Carol answers: Don’t be so hard on yourself. Kids learn a lot by themselves. It’s good that you encouraged the first one to learning by putting in baby einstein and having her listen to mozart but that doesn’t mean that she is smarter than the second or that the second won’t learn as much. Chances are the 8 month old has learned just as much as the first baby when she was 8 months old. I think parents can go overboard with the baby einstein movies and mozart but that’s my opinion. I babysit for a lady who is like that. She puts in Mozart and has baby einstein and baby sign language movies and her baby is no smarter than other babies I watch that are the same age. I remember when I was little my mom would never read to me or sit there and teach me anything. Today I’m in college and have an average IQ. Don’t stress out to much. You’re kids will be fine. You’re obviously giving them an advantage. 8 months old is not to late to start reading and teaching. You’re such a good mom and want the best for your kids. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It was easier to give that time to the first because you didn’t have another baby. Now you have two kids and it’s hard to find the time to sit there with the second baby. The second baby will probably learn a lot from the first one anyway. Paul asks… Adopting A Child That Speaks Another Language – Need Help Communicating !? My friends, God Bless them, are adopting a 2, almost 3 year old little girl. They just got the rights signed over to them by this little girls mother for reasons you can prolly safely assume… Anyways the one problem they have run into right off the bat is this little girl doesn’t know English. Her family speaks nothing but spanish and the few words this little girl knows are spanish words. Of everyone my friends know I know the most spanish, and I only know enough to order a beer and flirt a little. Are there any phrases or hand gestures to help communicate with this girl until she gets a better grasp of English. Thanks for the help, it truly does mean a lot to all involved Carol answers: The little girl will pick up the language. Its second nature if she’s so young and being spoken to in English. Just like an English born baby hears language and begins to understand. Its in the tone of voice too. She’ll certainley get the grasp of ‘no’ very quickly, protecting her from dangers. Look on a Makaton or Sign Along video, simple signs for ‘drink’, toilet, dinner, biscuit etc will give her some visual assistance at the start. Don’t worry. It will come naturally. Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 05:07:36 +0000

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