Your School killed your skill ! You learnt to move your leg - TopicsExpress


Your School killed your skill ! You learnt to move your leg first or do addition ? Move your leg am positive. So who decided maths was more important than dancing? Go to your school notice board as you will see Science then Commerce then Arts. Who decided this chronological order? Dont you think if you would have been taught singing or dancing just the way you are taught laws of motion (Ruthlessly everyday with a big frown by a teacher who hardly cares you got it or not)each day each student could have become a dancer ? Had there been one class of maths in your entire time table? Yes, you would have only known the basics then and accept it, you would have still survived ! As we grow up we start to focus only on the top part of our body , the brain, your face and thats it. Seen a chemistry professor going down the hall like his/her body is carrying the brain, thats all that matters, rest is like a transport system. We tend to kill the creativity inside by giving dominance to the brain more than your hand for writing, playing guitar, basketball or your legs for all the crazy stuff you thought you could become as kids. Nobody gets to decide whats more important than the other. We go to school to grow our boundaries, not bind ourselves around restrictions. Open, explore learn and find your way out.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 10:37:34 +0000

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